Chapter 28 - Babe

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I uploaded! Yay! So please remember to VOTE, COMMENT, & FAN!!! It's pretty friggin long so I'm proud. Lol. I hope you like it and thanks for reading! (:


~Tuesday, Period 2~


I was sitting in my desk, grading some papers. Wow, some of these idiots really needed to get a tutor or something. I was about to mark a sheet of paper with a C when my phone vibrated in my pocket. It wouldn't matter if I answered it since I had put everyone to work on some classwork.

My heart literally jumped in my chest at the sight of her name, making me feel like an idiot. I shook my head in amusement at myself and read her text message.

Melinda: You are formally meeting my best friends during lunch! Watch out.

Me: Should I be scared, babe? Then I almost slap myself for sending the message and not reading it over. Babe? I called her babe? Please don't flip, Mel. I was anxious as I waited for her to reply.

Melinda: Haha. No, not really. They're not monsters! And babe? Hmm. I like it. ;)

Me: Me too. Has a sexy ring to it. (; Shouldn't you be focusing in class? Haha. That's not going to happen.

Melinda: Oh, please! Focus in class? If I don't focus in your class then makes you think I'll focus in Simpson's? I almost laughed aloud, realizing how true that was. We continued texting on and off, stopping when I had to do my job, and I waited for the periods to go by so that lunch time would finally come.

I was glad when it finally did and my door swung open. Melinda walked in and blew me a kiss. Okay, that meant I wasn't getting one for now since her best friends walked in after her.

She was so goddamn beautiful and amazing that just looking into her perfect blue eyes made me lose my train of thought. I wanted to hold her in my arms and look at her face from just inches away. I wanted to feel her hair in between my fingers and kiss her perfect lips with mine. I wanted her to be mine, to have something to call her by, like my girlfriend. I surged with pride at the thought of having Melinda to myself, of telling my friends and family that she was my girlfriend. Yet I wouldn't pressure her to call herself my girlfriend if she wasn't ready to, even though to me, she already was. It was scary, knowing that I cared so much for this girl when I had only known her for a month or so but I did and God did it feel good knowing that she was in this very room, watching my every move.

Mel looked at me and smiled happily, her smile bright and flawless as it lit her face and touched her eyes.

"Seth, Micah, meet Fabian." She said casually and I walked over to them, feeling awkward.

"So you're the only guy who finally managed to woo my best friend." Seth said, smirking, and I laughed, amused. He seemed like someone who was easy to be around.

"Am I? I don't know, Mel. Have I wooed you?" I asked, looking at her with an amused grin on my face. Melinda chuckled, biting her lip as she looked at us anxiously. She cared about what we thought of each other so I would try my best to make a good first impression.

"Wooed? I don't know but you've definitely caught my interest so that should say something." She said, a smirk touching her lips and I was glad that Mel was in there even through how nervous she was. Seth and I laughed together but I didn't hear Micah join in.

"Nice meeting you, man." Seth smiled welcomingly and extended his hand. I shook it, smiling, glad that I had gained at least one of their approvals for her.

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