Chapter 38 - Proposition

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Hello, lovelies! 

PLEASE READ!!!: Thanks. Here's a new chapter for you all to read. :D By the way, there are about eight chapters of The Tempting Apple left; nine if you count the epilogue. (: I know, tear. )': But I will add bonus chapters from time to time! :D So I'm going to ask you all a GIANT ass favor: Please go back and vote for each chapter if you truly have enjoyed this story. I'm trying to reach a goal once this story is finished and it would mean the world to me if you lovelies helped me out! Also, please fan and comment. Thank you! Hope you enjoy. (: Lots of love, laters baby! <3



I was headed to my locker in aims of getting the single book I needed for my next class when I saw a tall, gangly dude leaning right against it. I narrowed my eyes from the end of the hall in which I stood and sought to make out the person who was so casually propped against my locker.  No, no, no. That prick. Connor. Anger and rage boiled inside of me as I strode over to him, my pace much quicker now. I wanted to punch him in the gut. Connor looked at me, his beady eyes regarding me with cool casualty. I calmed myself down, remembering I’d screw everything up if he knew we suspected him of stalking Lindy.

I stood in front of him, towering over his head by a good three inches and kept my eyes cool with indifference. “Can you step away from my locker?” I asked, not letting the anger seep from my voice. Connor stepped aside with a small grin on his mouth. I wanted to kick it off. As I opened my locker I made sure to hide the combination code from him and took my books, putting in the ones I didn’t need. I was well aware the whole time that he hadn’t left but rather was standing in the same place, a foot away. My palm twitched.

“Can I help you?” I asked, my tone aggravated.

He laughed, the sound mocking. “Actually, I think we can both exchange a fair amount of help to one another.” I looked at him in bemusement, thoroughly convinced that he was insane. 

“As you know, Melinda has been, um, stalked by someone. Though that is not the word I’d use. That someone is me.” Connor said casually, leaving me to stare at him with wide eyes. Why the hell did he just tell me that? Of course I knew but if he was any bit intelligent then he wouldn’t prance around to me, Melinda’s best friend, and spill his beans. The idiot. No, there had to be something on his lunatic mind.

Connor continued, “We can team up and work together to tear Melinda and Mr. D’Amato apart. Yes, I know about them, obviously. We can get him out of the picture if you help me.” 

“Alright, and what if I say no? Don’t you think its the least bit risky for you to tell me this considering the fact that all I have to do is go tell Melinda and Fabian?” I said, my tone laced with irony.

“I’m willing to take my risks, Micah. I know how much you love Melinda and you know how much I love her. We can help each other, get Fabian out of her life by our mutual needs.” He said and I scoffed, laughing in his face.

“And if I did help you and Fabian was out of the picture that would leave two of us, wanting Melinda. What the hell do you suppose you’d do? Share?” I asked, appalled. 

“No. The important thing is that Mr. D’Amato is out of the picture. And afterward... May the best man win.” Connor said, grinning with victory. As if he’d won. I could only stare at him, holding back the incessant need to beat the shit out of him. 

“Think about it, Micah. Be rational.” He said and extended his hand with a small sheet of paper. I took it and opened it. Numbers. “Call me if you’re in and don’t do anything stupid.” He hissed the last words but I ignored him, walking to class with the damn note in hand. There was no way in hell I was helping him. Yes, I loved and wanted Melinda for myself but her happiness and trust was more important to me than my need for her. Above all I was her best friend and to be there for her was the best I could do. I’d tell Melinda, Fabian, and Seth about the incident after school then we’d all decide on what to do with the lunatic. 

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