Chapter 4 (Pt. 2) - Where's Landon?

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So here's the second part of chapter 4. I know you'll like it! Pinky promise (: Please vote, comment, and fan if you like my story. Maybe you can check out my other ones? Enjoy!


Once we were inside the house came the painful part. Showering and dressing him then getting him to bed. For lack of a better description, it was a pain in the ass. It sucked! I hated knowing how uncooperative he could get but I did it anyway because I loved the kid. I never failed to do everything I could for my brother even if exhaustion was evident in me. Sometimes my best friends would come help me. They got along pretty well with my brother... Most of the time. 

Landon was already dashing to his room, most likely to use his toys, but I stopped him in his tracks. 

“Yo, Landon!” I used his favorite ghetto word and he turned instantly. “If you let me take you a nice shower and dress you up, I’ll buy some cookie dough so we can bake in the grocery store.” His eyes brightened. He lovedcookies. Landon nodded his head eagerly and I exhaled. This would probably be easy today. Besides, I needed a quick trip to the store for some Mac & Cheese. I loved food but making it was a completely different thing. I could only make pasta and simple dishes so that aggravated the hell out of me. 

I had bathed my brother in about twenty minutes. He was more cooperative and calm than last time I bathed him about three days ago. Even though he hated ‘wasting’ time getting showered, he loved the hot feeling of the water. It calmed him down whenever he had a random tantrum. 

Then I took him out of the shower and got his traditional pajamas from the drawers. These never caused itches to him or made him uncomfortable so they were secure. Landon would take off his clothes anywhere and at anytime if they were uncomfortable in any way. I didn’t especially want him to throw off his clothes in the middle of grocery shopping. 

I smiled in satisfaction at the sight of him cleaned and dressed.  

Landon was hand in hand with me as I walked to my car and sat him in it. I buckled his seatbelt and made sure the children’s lock was on then took my own seat and buckled mine.  

We had made it to Dominick’s Grocery Shop in about ten minutes.  

I got out of the car and took Landon’s hand as we walked to the entrance. I prayed to God that he wouldn’t do anything rash.  

I take a cart and the two of us make our way to the pasta isle then I start to look for the macaroni shells. I picked out two cheap but promising looking boxes along with a red spaghetti sauce can and place them into the cart then suddenly there was an audible thump on the floor.  

“Landon, buddy, why?” I ask and let go of his hand to start gathering some of the boxes. About twenty of them were sprawled on the floor. Great! 

“Landon, help me.” I say but Landon doesn’t help me. He must be looking at the things behind him and was probably too distracted to hear me. 

Suddenly a pair of tanned hands came into my view and began gathering some boxes as well.  

Yet these hands were not Landon’s and of that I was a hundred percent sure. They were a young man’s hands. They were large and judging by how the veins were visible as they popped from his skin, they were strong as well. I looked up to see who was helping me. Maybe an employee? 

The man looks up at me simultaneously and as I did, his eyes widened.

“Melinda?” He asks. 

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