Chapter 24 - Spies And One Direction

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Hello, lovelies! How are you? (: Good? I hope so. Well, here's another chapter and I really hope you like it. If you do then please remember to VOTE, COMMENT, & FAN because it makes me extremely happy, like I'm so high type of happy, and motivates me to write further. Thanks for reading and tell me what you think! :D

***Dedication: Thank you so much for the uplifting and positive comments you give me on this story. You always do! Mel, Fabian, and I totally appreciate it! <3 (:


Friday, Period 5

~No one's POV~

Seth, Micah, and Melinda walk in together to their fifth period and as the three best friends are headed to their seats, Mel and Mr. D'Amato can't fight the locking of their eyes. They can't stop their emotions from showing.

Micah and Seth watch from behind her as she stops in her track to look at the teacher standing by the board. Why would Mel ever give a teacher anything more than a glance? Then two boys behind Mel each watched their best friend with different intentions. Micah watched with pain and a twinge of jealousy as the girl he loved looked at some one else with the intensity he must have looked at her with. He wanted to pull his eyes away, to steer himself away from the hurt, but he couldn't. Why does she look at him like that? Can't she look at me with those eyes? I'd give the world to have her look at me the way she was looking at him or the way he was looking at her. Micah thought.

Seth, on the other hand, was simply curious and confused. He was watching out for his best friend. Did she have something going on with their teacher? Damn, Mel, a teacher? Really? Haha! Either she's crazy or I'm imagining shit. Seth thought.

Micah looked over at Seth just to see if he too found something suspicious. Sure enough, Seth seemed slightly confused with his risen eyebrow and tilted head as he looked at Mel.

And though to Micah it had seemed that the gaze lasted forever it had really not. Just two or three seconds is all. The three teenagers walked to their seats and sat down, oblivious to the furious students sitting at the back of the room.

Piper and Connor were simultaneously boiling with jealousy and anger. It seemed that their fury created a deep red halo around them as they sat side by side but no one else noticed. No one else noticed Piper and Connor's anger or Mel and Fabian's magnetic gaze. No one else noticed because no one else cared.

"That's it! That. Is. It. We have to do something and fast!" Piper whispered angrily to Connor who snapped out of his trance and evil glare. He hoped that if he tried hard enough he could kill Mr. D'Amato with it.

"Don't worry, Piper. I know." He said to the blonde girl.

Piper and Connor, like Seth and Micah, had their own intentions. Piper, the self absorbed beauty queen, was burning with jealousy towards Melinda. She wanted to be just like her and she wanted Mr. D'Amato, the famous teacher, all for herself. Connor, on the other hand, wanted the beautiful Melinda Beaumont all for himself ever since their freshman year. He loved with an obsessive passion that he did not realize was so lethal. He would smile at the thought of Mr. D'Amato dead. he'd never be able to look at his Melinda like that again if he was dead and buried. He couldn't stand the chance of Melinda loving anyone else but him or anyone else loving Melinda but him. It simply wouldn't be done.

Back towards the front of the room, Micah and Seth sat pensively. Micah looked over at Mel and was glad to see her chatting animatedly with Nick; he could talk to Seth without her questioning them.

"Seth?" Micah whispered his best friend's name. Seth looked at Micah and nodded his head a single time as sign that he was listening.

"You're not the only one who's suspicious." Micah said, not bothering to directly address the matter because he deemed Seth smart enough to know what he was talking about.

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