Chapter 10 - European In Some Way

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Hey! So here's a nice little chapter. I feel proud that I've updated after just a day! Haha. Not so serious, huh? Well, please vote, comment, and fan if you like this story. I really appreciate it! Thanks for reading and I hope you like it! (: 


The car’s engine was rumbling unevenly underneath me, making the car tremble as it never had before. I knew there was something wrong with the transmission. I’d have to get it fixed and soon otherwise my ass would get stranded in unnecessary places. 

Dismissing the engine’s stubborn uncooperativeness, I kept driving to my house. I was careful not to drive to fast that something inexplicable might happen but I didn’t know if it was better to just speed to my house and get the drive over with. I knew nothing about cars.

The car began to make jagged moves and kept trembling but with new vigor. The oppressive grey clouds that surrounded the Chicago sky seemed to depict my mood. I had managed to pull into the driveway of my house and park the car. I didn’t know if I should’ve been scared by it’s strange sounds.

“Stupid, bulky piece of poop ass useless car!” I had no idea what I was saying but I knew that it felt good to release my steamy fumes. The dumb machine had me crapping my pants on the way home. What if it had stopped while someone was behind me? It would have killed my ass!

I walked to the front door and unlocked it. The first trip I made was, as usual, the kitchen. In the cabinet lay a box of perfectly fluffy, golden, and heavenly Twinkies. 

Once I had eaten two of them, I took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around my body then went to my room.

From the closet, I chose something presentable but comfortable. I hated feeling uncomfortable but I wouldn’t do what Landon did. Oh, hell no, I wouldn’t do as Landon did. That wouldn’t be appropriate. I chuckled with myself at the thought of doing the same as my aggravated and discomforted younger brother.

I had chosen a pear of jeans, a lime green blouse, and black Vans. My hair was wet from the shower I just stepped out of so I blow-dried my hair and sprayed perfume into it. Hmm, smells great!

Then as an automatic response, I walked over to the beautiful instrument that gleamed at me as it lay on its usual resting place. Right beside it was the amplifier to which I had plugged in the electric guitar.

I hadn’t thought of what to play but I just started to strum my fingers to a song I knew all too well.

If today was your last day

Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart?

You know it's never too late to shoot for the stars

Regardless of who you are

This song reminded me that life was a precious gift. That I’d have to live it to the fullest because I’d never know when would be my last day.


I opened the door of my car and slid into the leather seat then twisted the key into its slot. I had hoped for the usual start-up of the engine but instead I was greeted with the loud rumbling death of my car.

“Fluck!” I punched the steering wheel and let escape a creative and inventive use of curse words that I had never combined before. My stupid car had freaking died on me!

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