chapter 9

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*a/n:double update!! Enjoy*

Bright pov
Win's friend's aren't so bad after all. Twenty minutes with them and I already feel comfortable with them. Win was utterly embarrassed when Gun asked if we were dating. He looked so adorable. I could feel people staring me but I was used to it. Until and unless they don't invade my privacy, I'm okay being the center of attraction.

Mix, one of Win's friend kept leaning towards me, smiling and giggling. Maybe he was drunk. His boyfriend Earth stopped him from moving and held his arms tied around him. They looked so cute together. When will my time come when I get to be this close to Win. I pouted. I saw Win silently refilling my glass and pushing it towards me. I smiled and gulped that drink immediately. Is it just me or is Win actually opening up to me these days. He doesn't argue when I ask him to have dinner with me and he even let's me drive him home. I don't want to hurt him like his ex did so I'm trying to figure out when to tell him about my secret. I hope when that time comes, he doesn't push me away.

After a while, all of us were on the dance floor, drinking and dancing. Whenever any girl tried to approach me, Win glared at them and they didn't dare come to me. I chuckled. After a minute or two, Win walked off to the couch. When I was about to go to him, I saw Gun walking towards him. I let them talk since I know they are best friends. Suddenly I felt two arms wrapped around my waist. I froze at the moment. I threw the arms away from me and turned to face that person.

To my surprise, it was my old college buddy Boston. (a/n: hehe only friends influenced me these days) "Hey buddy what's up" I said hugging him slightly. "Nothing much bro. Just had a bad break up I guess"

"You always have flings and one night stands Boston what's the big deal about this one?" I could clearly see his disappointment in his face. He shook his head and wrapped his arms around me. What the hell is he doing.

"I think... I think I might be in love with him. But I hurt him so much." I stroked his hair calming him down. I felt my shoulder getting wet. He was crying. "It's okay buddy. You should go and apologise to that person. It's up to him to forgive you or not." He nodded.

He stayed hugging me for a few more seconds and then I felt his hands roaming around my chest. "Boston what are you doing" I freed myself from his hug but he kept touching me.

"Shh let me make you happy Bright" He whispered and I could sense danger.

I pushed his slightly and shook his shoulders. "Come back to your senses Boston. I'm not one of your boy toys. Stop touching me" I said firmly.

"I'm sorry Bright. I'm just very stressed right now" He cried on my shoulder. I sighed and raised my head to see where Win was. But I couldn't find Win anywhere in the bar. I pushed Boston and made a run towards Gun.

"Hey Gun, do you know where Win went off to" I asked and I saw Gun shaking his head. "He went home I guess. He ran towards the exit door few minutes ago."

What? Win left me here alone but he doesn't even have his car. We came in my car earlier so how did he go home. I dialed up his number but he didn't answer it nor did he reply to any of my text messages. Something is wrong.

"Let him be. He must have been stressed. Talk to him tomorrow when he's in a better state. You should go home Bright." Gun tapped on my shoulder and went away with his boyfriend. I left a bunch of messages for Win hoping that he would at least text me back. I hope nothing bad happened to him...

The next day

Win pov
My head is throbbing really bad right now. Maybe I shouldn't have drank so much last night. Damn this alcohol. I grabbed my head and groaned in pain. Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. "I brought you honey lemon tea sir. It's good when you have a hangover." Prim said placing the cup on my table.

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