Chapter 22

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"BABY DON'T GO, PLEASE" Bright pleaded. He held on to the hem of Win's shirt, pouting and begging for his boyfriend to not leave him.

"Bright I've told you this a thousand times, it's my family vacation, I have to go."


"It's just ten days, stop exaggerating"

Bright crossed his arms and sulked "Can't I come along then? It will be fun I promise" he tried to negotiate but Win wasn't having any of his tactics.

"You have a lot of work pending here, you can't come with me."

"But what if...what if I die of missing you here? Hmm, you wouldn't want that right sweetheart?"

Win sighed. He felt like he was dealing with a five-year-old. He had to go to Phuket for ten days to spend the holidays with his family. Since he couldn't visit them for the new year, he wanted to celebrate his parent's death anniversary there. But there was a sulking dog who didn't want Win to leave.

"I have to leave and you aren't coming with me" Bright stomped his feet on the ground, whining and crying. If other people saw them, they would probably think, Bright was the bottom and the submissive one.

"Bai you gotta understand this, I'll be back in ten days I promise. Be good okay" It was an endearment word that Bright was weak for, he couldn't say no to Win if he used the word "Bai" to him.

So eventually, Bright helped Win pack his bags for the trip and drove him to the airport.

"Be sure to call me every day and eat your meals on time. I'll miss you" Bright placed his lover's hand on his mouth and kissed it a couple of times. Win smiled at his gesture.

"Okay, I'll call you every day. Take care of yourself okay" Bright cupped his face and kissed both cheeks.

"I love you" "I love you too" Both said their farewells and Win got on his plane.

1 notification from Bai 💙
>I miss you already 🥺

It was not going to be easy for either of them to stay away from each other. It was the first time being away from each other for such a long time.

Win had found his seat and already sat on the window side. He pulled out his headphones and was about to put it on when he heard a voice "Ah excuse me, can you help me find this seat" it was a famine voice.

"Sure, let me see your ticket" Win gently grabbed the ticket and studied the ticket.

"Oh, it's the seat next to mine. You're on the right seat"

The woman smiled and thanked him. "Thank you so much. I don't know much about flights so I got confused"

"It's no problem. Is this your first flight?"

"I have travelled on a flight before but this is my first time alone so I'm worried."

Win smiled and nodded "It's understandable."

"I'm Patricia by the way" She held out her hand for a handshake. Win shook hands with her and replied, "I'm Win"

Throughout the flight, they started chatting nonstop and became friends eventually. They talked about their careers, their lives and even their love interests. Win felt like he finally found someone with similar interests as him.

"So you have a boyfriend? Can I see him?" She asked as she nudged him teasingly.

"Okay I'll show you his photo"

"Okay I'll show you his photo"

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"This is my boyfriend Bri-"


Win looked at her, confused as to how she knew his boyfriend. Patricia stared at the photo for a few more seconds and looked at Win with a smile.

"He...he...he's a model so I know him."

" you're his fan?"

She nodded her head in response. "Such a small world it is. If he knows he's got a fan, I'm sure he will be thrilled."

"Yea, I would like to meet him and congratulate him on his success as well." So eventually they decided to go back to Thailand on the same day. Win wanted to do something special for Bright and what could be more special than having to meet your fan, right?!

After a few hours, Win arrived at Phuket and his family came to pick him up from the airport. They had a lovely brunch together and Win excused himself to go to the room as he was tired.

He had just lay on the bed after a hot shower when he heard his phone ring. He knew exactly who was calling him. Win smiled and answered the call "Hello~"

"Babyyyyy I miss youuuuu" Win chuckled faintly.

"I miss you too"

They ended up talking for hours and sharing funny stories.

"Oh and I met Patricia on the flight"

"Patricia? Who's that?"

Win had forgotten that Patricia was supposed to be a surprise to Bright. Win tried to slide down the topic but Bright wasn't having it.

"It's a friend...a friend I found on the plane actually" he stuttered.


"What's wrong?"

Bright pouted "You seem to be having a lot of fun there without me. You even got a new friend while I'm here missing you so much."

Win let out a soft chuckle. How could he forget that his boyfriend was such a lovesick puppy?

"I'm missing you too Bai. You have no idea how much I wanna hug and kiss you right now"

"Really? Then should I come there? I can catch the flight and be there by tomorrow"

Win shook his head. "No can do mister. You can't come here"

Bright plopped on his bed with his phone facing him with a sulky face. Win chuckled and leaned forward towards the screen. "I'll be there soon Bright, don't worry. And while I'm gone you can do the things you've been wanting to do with your friends"

"You're the one I need Win. When you're not around me, I can't breathe."

Isn't it weird how love can make us feel such emotions we once felt cringe about? Those classic cheesy lines suddenly sound romantic and give you a whole bunch of butterflies in your stomach. The fun part of love, missing each other and counting the seconds to see each other. Love is a waste of time but it's worth wasting time for...

To be continued_^^_

Hello my beautiful people! I'm back with another chapter. I'm trying to finish this book faster so I'll be updating atleast two times a week from now. Don't miss any one of them 🤗
The next chapter will be uploaded on 24th January so be sure to check it out!

Thanks for reading and keep supporting BrightWin ✨️


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