Chapter 15

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Bright pov

I was seven years old when my parents decided to get separated. My parents were too stubborn and selfish that they never even once thought about me. I never got a chance to tell them what I wanted plus I was too young to understand the situation as well. But I was still strong. I didn't let it bother me so much.

My mom got my custodial right and decided to raise me by herself. She worked really hard to give me the best education and a better life but how much could a single mother do for her son. Her body eventually gave up on her and she passed away when I was fourteen.

That day when I was crying and not wanting to say good bye to my mother's grave, he (his father) finally arrived. My father took me in his life again but he had changed. He never looked at me as his son, he always thought of me as an object. In that huge castle like house, I felt extremely lonely. And one fine day he decided to dump me in an unknown country and let me live there alone. Suddenly, I was left alone.

But after eleven years, I have finally found my sunshine, my Win. No matter how many times he tries to get rid of me, I'll never stop loving him. Because he is the reason I started smiling again.

I quietly sneaked inside the building since I missed my little bunny so much but when I was about to go inside his office, Prim stopped me.

"What are you doing here? Sir Win won't like it if he sees you right now" she said with a frown.

"Don't worry Prim, I'll handle your sir." She held on my arm and stopped me again. I looked at her with a questionable look, feeling very confused. "Actually Drake is inside with Sir Win" oh now I get it.

I smiled at her and proceeded to walk towards his office. I was about to open the door when I heard Win say, "You can never be better than him Drake. Bright is different. He treats me different and I like it. He always holds and opens the car door for me."

I leaned my head on the door, smiling like an idiot. I've never heard Win say nice things about me to anyone especially not to Drake but now he is defending me? Cute.

"He always makes sure I eat every single meal. He has never tried to take advantage of me even when I'm drunk. He covers me up with his jacket when I fall asleep. He knows that car refresherners give me a headache so he never uses them.

He separates tomatoes and onions for me. He hugs me tightly when I have nightmares. Whenever I feel sad he cheers me up. And he always smiles at me.

And most importantly he values me, respects me and passionately loves me. That's why you'll never be better than him Drake. Not in this life."
I suddenly felt my heart skip a beat. Wow Metawin you're driving me crazy!! How can I ever beat that confession now....

"I think he has made it clear that he doesn't want to be with you anymore Drake." I said as I barged inside the room. I felt Win's confused gaze upon me. I know he must be having a thousand questions at the moment and I'm going to get scolded after Drake is gone but I don't care. I love Win and its my responsibility to protect him.

"You're talking to my boyfriend so it is practically my business as well."

Third person POV

The whole room became dead silent after Bright used the word Boyfriend. Drake was balling his fist in frustration whereas, Win was too stunned to talk. He kept staring at Bright.

"Boyfriend!! When did you two become boyfriends? I don't believe it.." Drake said breaking the silence in the room.

"Believe it or not Drake, it is the truth. Now please leave or else I'll have to call out the guards here. *smirks*" Bright said pointing towards the door. His intimidating aura was too much to deal with. Drake frowned and banged on the table. Then he frantically walked through the door, leaving Bright and Win alone in the room.

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