Chapter 21

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(A/n: part 2 of Bright's Flashback)

I decided to meet her for dinner and confront her. When we met, she behaved as if nothing happened, she was completely normal. So I thought maybe she had gotten better but when I got out of the washroom, I saw her going through my phone.

"What the hell are you doing Pam?" I asked feeling agitated. I liked having my personal space and we had discussed not to ruin that.

"I...I was just..."

I snatched my phone from her hand and saw that she had blocked all the females in my contact list. And she had threatened them that if they tried contacting me again, she would kill them. Angry rushed inside me and my head was exploding.

I stared at her but she had a calm smile on her face. "I was just helping you get away from those flirty girls. You seem to have a lot of female friends"

That was the last straw for me. "I can't do this. I feel suffocated in this relationship. Let's end this Pam"

"What are you saying, Bright? Sit down and Let's finish our dinner. Let's go and watch a movie afterwards. Should we watch Spiderman or something else? We can even-"

"PAM STOP IT! I don't wanna be with you anymore, don't you get it?" I yelled.

I wasn't calm anymore, I just wanted to end things and have a new start. But she seemed to be completely silent after my outburst.

After a minute of silence, she started laughing. It was as if she had gone possessed by a spirit. She laughed and laughed and laughed.

"Gosh Bright, you're hilarious."

I rubbed my forehead and sighed.

"I'm not joking Pam. I mean it" She paused and her expression started changing. It was the first time I saw her like that. I couldn't understand what was going on with her.

"There's no end for us Bright. You're mine and I'm yours. We will get married and that will be our happily ever after. You're mine"

She started yelling and getting aggressive. She banged on the table and her eyes, her eyes were bloody.


"Are you dating some other girl in Canada? Is she prettier than me? Who is she?"

"Pam calm down."

"Bright who is she? Ooh is she the one who you tutored in college? Or she is that girl, who had a crush on you? Just tell me who is she?!"

I wrapped my hands around her, trying to calm her down but she was getting out of control. I had no idea how to help her. She was trembling, shaking, yelling and cursing. And all I could do was wait till it was over.


I had to call the doctor because I couldn't see her like that. The doctors arrived and gave her an injection. She calmed down and fell asleep due to the injection.

The doctors suggested that Pam should be admitted to the hospital for a few days. Her aggressive personality was not healthy so I agreed to it.

Even in the hospital, her behaviour was the same. She would scream and shout at any female hospital staff she saw, claiming that they were flirting with me. She was getting out of control.

"Doctor, is Pam gonna be normal?"

"Pam is very aggressive especially when it comes to you. Did she show any sign of aggression before?"

I shook my head. "I don't remember any, doctor. She had never been this way so why is she behaving like this suddenly?"

The doctor took a sign and raised his head to face me. "Mr.Bright, Pam has Obsessive Love Disorder. In common words, she's a yandere (a girl, who has an obsessive and possessive side in regards to their crush, ready to use violent and murderous means to maintain an exclusive bond)."

"How can this happen? She was normal before so how come she became obsessed?"

It was unbelievable as to how she became this person. The girl I once loved and adored, was lost now.

"Usually this happens when they love someone too much that they wish to never be without them"

After hearing the Doctor's analysis, I got so worried for her. She had to be taken care of with the help of professionals and had to take therapy. The doctor asked me to leave her life so that she could heal and live a proper life.

So I decided to get out of her life for her own good. I visited her for the last time. She was sleeping in the hospital bed, hands tied to the bed and her face looked horrible.

I silently approached her and watched her sleep. "You're...mine" she mumbled in her dream. I felt a tear roll off my face that day.

The Pam I loved was no longer there and to get the old Pam back, I had to get out of her life. And since that day I haven't met with Pam.

End of Bright's Flashback

After hearing the full history, Win was stunned. He didn't know that Pam was such a person in Bright's life. He felt guilty for all the things he had thought.

"Bright I...I'm"

"So can we please not talk about Pam again?"

Win nodded and leaned closer to him. Bright had seen a lot of things in his life and yet he was willing to be with Win.

"You're my first boyfriend, Win. I haven't felt the kind of love that I feel for you. I love you so much" Bright cupped Win's cheeks and pecked him on the lips.

Will this be the end of Pam?

To be continued_^^_

Fyi: Pam's character wasn't there originally in this story but I got this idea from the drama "My Lovely Liar"

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