Chapter 25

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The air had grown thin, as though the very air around was a reflection of other's suffering helplessness. Win's body was frozen in a state of paralyzed numbness. A strange detachment washed over him, as a final sense of despair. He felt helpless as he tried opening his eyes.

Win was lying on the wet concrete floor. His body aching and blood covering his hands. He couldn't make out what was happening to him. A few minutes later, Win felt someone approaching towards him. The sound of the heels was the only thing he could hear and as the sound slowly approached him, his heartbeat fastened immediately.

"Look who is here. Win Metawin" He saw a blurry image in front of him.

"Who are you?"

A menacing laugh echoed in the room. It was evil and yet famine.

She bent down and brought her face closer to his and that is when he knew who that was.


"No, darling it's not Patricia. It's Pam"

Win felt like he could throw up any minute. He brought the danger to himself by trusting that woman and not only that, he brought her into Bright's life again.

"This can't be happening"

"Well, this is happening,g honey. This is what happens when you steal someone else's boyfriend. I'm sure till now you have understood everything."

She sat on the chair in front of him. Putting one leg on the other one and smiling at him.

"You see, revenge is not my thing. I just came back to get what's mine. Let's say you just borrowed Bright for a few days and now I'm taking him back" 

"Stop daydreaming Pam. He moved on. He doesn't love you anymore"

"Who says he doesn't love me anymore?! HE IS MY BRIGHT AND HE LOVES ME, YOU UNDERSTAND!!!"

Win spat out blood from his mouth and tried to sit up although his body ached from even the slightest of movement.

"Bright's not your toy Pam. He's had enough"

She walked towards Win and grabbed his hair. Win winced in pain.

"You don't know him like I do. You know nothing about him. He loves me and after tonight, he's gonna be all mine."

Soon after three men came and tied up Win with a chain. They hung him against the wall and started punching and kicking him. Watching from afar, Pam was laughing and enjoying every bit of blood he was bleeding.

Pam had a deep hatred for Win which he could not understand and she was taking it out on him. She wanted to cause him pain so that he would let Bright go.

Win lay there unable to defend himself as the pain seemed to be getting worse. His thoughts were clouded and he felt helpless. Pam's anger was growing stronger and the beatings got harder.

"So Win, how do you like my hospitality? Did you enjoy it?"

Win gasped for air as his knees started getting weak and could hardly stand. "You will never succeed. I will not let it happen. Bright will never come back to you"

Pam stood up, rage filling her eyes and grabbed his collar. She slapped him multiple times until she saw him bleeding.

"Why does everyone only want to see me fail? What did I ever do to anyone? I just wanted love, was that too much to ask?" She looked him in the eye and continued "I'm not a villain Win, but I was forced to become one."

"No one wants to hear my side of the story. Bright's the only one for me and I am the only one for him. I can do anything trust me ANYTHING to make him be with me." As she spoke, Win could sense desperation in her voice.

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