Chapter 11

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 Win had been eagerly waiting for this day for a long time, and it had finally arrived. He was going to showcase his collection at his very own fashion show, a feat he had never achieved before. Although he had designed clothes for different clothing brands in the past, this was a milestone he had set his sights on for a long time.

 As the sun rose, Win was already at the set, taking in every detail of the runway and the venue. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement as everyone buzzed around, making sure everything was perfect for the show.

Win took a deep breath and looked back at his journey, marveling at how far he had come. He thought about the challenges he had faced in the past and how they had only made him more robust and more determined. He felt a surge of pride and accomplishment as he took out his wallet from his pocket, knowing that this was his moment to shine.

As he prepared for the show, he meticulously checked every detail of his models' outfits and the accessories he had chosen for them. He wanted everything to be perfect, just the way he had imagined it. He couldn't wait to see his designs come to life on the runway.

As he looked through his family photos, he felt a sense of gratitude for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout his journey. He knew that this show was not just a celebration of his hard work, but also a tribute to all those who had believed in him and his dreams.

 The memories of his family flooded his mind, and he felt his eyes wet with tears. They had always been there for him, supporting him in every decision he made and wanting nothing but the very best for him. But one ungrateful night, they had passed away, leaving Win behind alone. 

He wiped his tears and smiled warmly. "Mom, Dad, I made it," he whispered. "I succeeded in the end. I wish you could be here with me to see my accomplishment." He kissed the photo and put it back inside the wallet, feeling a sense of comfort and peace wash over him.

 Suddenly he heard a voice behind him, "You're here early."

Startled, he turned around to see that it was Bright. "I just wanted to check if everything is okay before the guests arrive," Win replied, faking a smile and hiding his tears. "I'm nervous about how things will go."

"Everything will go as you've planned, Win. Don't stress over it," Bright reassured him. "You should just relax and enjoy the event, okay? Everyone is going to love your work, trust me."

As he spoke, Bright slid his hand into Win's, intertwining their fingers. Win smiled back in response.

There was always something different about Bright that made Win feel better. Maybe it was his unwavering support, or perhaps it was the way he always knew just what to say. Whatever it was, Win was grateful to have him by his side. 

As soon as the event began, the hall was filled with the hustle and bustle of people. Win was busy greeting the guests with a warm smile and helping them find their seats. He walked towards Prim, his assistant, and asked, "Is everything on cue, Prim?"

 Her response was reassuring, "Yes, sir. Everything is under control. We're just waiting for the show to start." 

With a nod, Win continued to walk around, talking to guests and making sure everything was running smoothly.

As Win made his way around the room, he caught sight of a face he recognized in the crowd. His heart began to race and he felt a nervousness settle in the pit of his stomach. "What is he doing here?" Win wondered to himself. He turned around, hoping to avoid any interaction. "Prim, what is he doing here?" Win whispered, gesturing towards a figure standing in the corner.

"I have no idea, sir. We never sent any invitations to Drake," Prim replied, confusion marked on her face.

Win ran his hands through his hair in frustration, letting out a deep sigh. With a heavy heart, he decided to continue with his rounds, but his thoughts were elsewhere. He couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled over him since seeing the unwelcome guest. As he made his way backstage to check on the models, he couldn't help but wonder what plans Drake might have had.

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