Chapter 14

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"And he said that he doesn't love me anymore" Mix had been complaining about his boyfriend for the past three hours while Gun and Win sat there feeling fed up with their friend.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it Mix" Gun tried comforting Mix. He gently rubbed on Mix's back. Meanwhile, Win was in his thoughts, drinking his beer.

"But-but he said-" Mix started weeping even louder, resulting in gaining everyone's attention. Gun facepalmed himself, rethinking the moment he decided to be friends with Mix. He noticed that Win had been unusually quiet so he elbowed him. Win was startled and hummed in response.

"What's wrong with you? Did Drake trouble you again??" Gun raised his eyebrow at Win, asking for his response. Win smiled and shook his head.

"Nothing happened Gun. I'm busy these days and the workload is giving me a headache, that's all" Win replied but Gun knew there was something more to that.

As the night went by, Mix proceeded to get even more drunk and started throwing tantrums. Gun lowered his face feeling embarrassed by his friend's actions.

Mix leaned heavily against Win, his shoulders shaking with sobs as tears streamed down his face. The betrayal of his boyfriend weighed heavily on him, his heart aching with pain and anger. "He is so mean... how could he do such a thing to me?" he muttered through gritted teeth. Gun, noticing his distress, rose from his seat and offered to get him some water. "I'll go get water for him. Wait a minute," he said before disappearing from the room..

Win patted gently on his friend's head, comforting him. "It's okay Mixxie. Things like this happen in relationships and you shouldn't be so worked up about it. He must be worried sick about you right now." Win tried to put some sense in his friend's brain. At the same time, he was also thinking about his whole "situationship" with Bright. He took a sigh.

"But why did he have to lie to me about it," Mix whispered. (I know right?!!)

"If he told me about it, I would have understood him or even tried to help him."

"That's what I'm saying" Win thought.

"But even though I'm mad at him right now, I still can't help but think about him. Wonder if he ate his meals or if anything happened to him" Win nodded.

"This thing is very complicated, right?" Win said but then realized that Mix had already fallen asleep. He smiled and placed him on the couch properly. Gun reappeared after a few minutes and saw Mix passed out on the couch. With a deep sigh, he sat down next to Win.

"What's up Win" Gun started the conversation. Win shrugged his shoulders and gulped down his beer. "You're drinking way too much than you usually do. Is something wrong?"

"I don't know. No matter how much I drink, I don't feel drunk." Win explained. "Maybe something is wrong with this drink" Win tilted his head and observed the glass of beer.

"And why do you want to get drunk so bad??"

Win shook his head. "Why do I feel like I'm being interrogated here?" Gun narrowed his brows making Win swallow his saliva. "I haven't been able to sleep properly these days so I thought if I get myself drunk, I'll be able to sleep" Win said.

Win avoided eye contact with Gun and continued drinking but suddenly Gun dropped the bomb. "It's Bright, isn't it?" Win choked on the beer.

"Wh-what??" Win managed to say in between his coughs.

"You thought you could hide it from me? I'm your best friend Win. I can see through you and I know whatever goes on in your little brain."

Win tried changing the topic but Gun didn't let him slide this topic. Ultimately, Win had to tell everything that happened between Bright and Win. After hearing his explanation, Gun remained silent for a few minutes which made Win even more nervous.

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