"Come on, we have to head to the bus" Lucy said grabbing you backpack to guide you out with Mapi right next to her
"Don't want to piss of Alexia by being late?" You asked with a smirk as Lucy joking glared and el gently pushed you forward as Mapi laughed
Walking to the bus, you watched Mapi stop and stare at an open field before looking at you with a mischievous look
"Don't" you said as you stared at Mapi with a challenged look, hoping she would say what you knew she was thinking
"Dare you to roll around in the mud" mapi said with a smirk as you then looked at the muddy grass with a conflicted look. You knew the captains would be mad but you never backed down from a dare
"Triple dog dare yah" Lucy said with a mischievous look
You jumped in the mud before flopping down on to your back and doing log rolls over the mud
"It's cold" you said popping up and as you felt the muddy water continue to seep through your previous dry clothing as you took of at a run to the bus
Alexia gave you an unimpressed look as you stood at the entrance to the team bus with a guilty smile.
"Who dared you this time?" She asked but quickly getting her answers as Mapi and Lucy appeared next to you, instantly sporting guilty smiles as they looked back at their captain
"What's the hold up?" Patri asked looking down the stair and instantly laughing at the scene in front of her causing several up the girls to rush forward to see what she was laughing at
"Why am I not surprised" Aitana said grinning
"She can't get on the bus like that" the driver said looking annoying
"Okay, just give us a few minutes to figure out a solution" Irene said sharing a look with Alexia who nodded back
"Lose the shirt, shoes, socks" Irene said causing you to give her a confused look but quickly follow her directions as she gave you a stern look as you fought to not shiver at the cold air
"What are you doing?" You asked as you saw Alexia had gathers several water bottles and spare towels as Lucy and Mapi gave you sorry looks
"We'll help clean her off " Mapi said as Irene shook her at at them
"Inside, both of you" Alexia said giving Lucy and Mapi a look before they quickly made there way onto then bus
Irene started off by using a towel to wipe off as much mud as possible before looking back at Alexia who took the cap off the water bottle as your eyes widen
"Hold your arms out" Alexia said, which you slowly did as you eyed the water bottle. Alexia not even hesitating before she started to pour the cold liquid on your arms
"Alexia!" You yelped as you pulled your away, but Irene and Alexia expected it and grabbed you before you could pull away
"That's cold" you whined as they dump more water on you and tried to wipe mud off with the extra towels
"Maybe next time you won't go sliding in the mud" Alexia said giving you a look before wiping more mud off you as you tried to squirm away
"Come on, it's cold water and it's cold outside" you stated as you felt your body shaking to try and warm up
"Should have thought about that before you rolled around in the mud" Alexia stated
"We are moving ass fast as we can" Irene said wiping more mud off you as you stood quietly
Irene handing you a sweatshirt and as new pair of shorts, "change what you can quickly"
You quickly wrapped a towel around your waist to change the shorts and thew on the sweatshirt
"Ill wash all of this" you said throwing the muddy things in a trash bag to go under the bus for now
"You bet you are" Alexia said as you quickly raced onto the bus and letting out a breath of a relief at the warm air as you fell onto Lucy and Mapi who pulled you into there arms to try and help you warm up
"No, all of you sit separate" Irene said causing Mapi to roll her eyes but move as Alexia dragged you to the seat next to her
"Can I sit next to Salma and Ona?" You asked sparing a glance at her and the look she gave you told you the answer was no.
You were left with wrapping your arms around your self and you pulled the sweatshirt close to you as you slowly warmed up
"Come here" Alexia said taking sympathy on your slightly shaking form as she wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close
"You've got to stop doing these stupid dares" Alexia said as you cuddled more into her to get warm
"I'm sorry" you said looked up at her as looked done fondly at you "you three are still running laps for this"