It was time for team bonding in Megan and Ash room. To say that you weren't excited was an understatement. When they host team bonding something always goes wrong and someone ends admitting or doing something they don't want to. It usually doesn't end well.
We ended the room and you instantly flopped down on the bed between Tobin and Lindsey as everyone was filling into the room
"You look excited" Lindsey laughed at you
"So excited" I said sarcastically
"You'll be fine, everyone tends to protect you since you're the baby of the team" Tobin said wrapping an arm around me causally
"I'm 21" I exclaimed
"Still the baby of team" Emily laughed as she jumped on to the end of the bed facing us
"Okay ladies, for team boding today we are going to play truth or dare." Megan said as a few us groaned, me being one of them.
"Okay, me first" Ash said looking around the room for who her target would be.
"Emily, truth or dare?"
"I dare you to give us a strip tease for a minute"
"Bet" Emily said with a smirk and laugh
Her strip tease consisted of mainly her rooming her clothes as she danced funny, causing us all to laugh the whole time.
"enough" Ash said with a laugh as Emily started putting her clothes back on
"(Y/n), truth or dare?" Emily said with a smirk
"Dare" I said causing Emily to look at me in shock. Normally I choice truth with her since she always make me do crazy things.
"What are you hiding?" Emily said narrowing her eyes at me and causing a lot of the veteran to look at me
"What makes you think I'm hiding something?" I asked even though she wasn't wrong
"You never picks dare from Emily" Rose said causing me to shrug my shoulder
"I dare you to tell me what you hiding?" Emily said with a smirk causing me to roll my eyes.
"Are you drinking?" Carli asked
"I'm 21, so yes"
"Were you arrested?" Tobin asked from next to me as I gave her a really look to which she responded "just making sure"
"Are you doing drugs?" Emily asked
"Are you dating someone?" Mal asked
"Still single" I replied
"Let me guess, you finally had sex" ash said with a laugh
"Yeah" I replied nonchalantly
"Are you... wait what?" Sam said looking at me while everyone was also looking at me not talking
"What?" I asked confused
"You aren't a virgin anymore! Who corrupted you?" Christen exclaimed while everyone but one person was looking at me in shock
"When?" Julie asked
"Why didn't you tell us?" Emily asked
"About time!" Megan said with a laugh
"Megan!" Ali scolded her
"What?" Megan said giving you a thumbs up
"Thanks" I laughed as every glared me so i stopped but I felt one specific pair of eyes on me that I ignored
"Who was it and when?" Lindsey asked from next to me. Feeling panic rise a little, i did not want anyone to know who. I didn't think it was a big deal, just like it wasn't with Mal or Tierna.
"Doesn't matter, you guys know so let's move on"
"Christen, Becky, Kelley how did you guys not know this? You guys play with her in Utah. Who does she hang out with" Julie asked looking at he three of them
"If any of us know,it would be Kelley. That is who she is always with" Becky said as then everyone turns to Kelley and I felt panicked and you could see it in her eyes also
"She know" Alex said with a smirk causing me to shrink back into Tobin who was watching me with amusement and curiosity to my reaction of trying to hide
"So what if I do? I'm still not telling you" Kelley said with a smirk, sparing a glance at you.
This glance causing Christen to think over your two's relationship in Utah. You watched as Christen connected the dots and looked between you two in shock before just looking at you causing Tobin to figure out to.
We are so dead I thought as I hide my face in Tobin shoulder
"No" Christen said looking at me and at the moment Kelley took off sprinting out of the room
"No way! You had sex with Kelley!" Emily said laughing causing me to with draw from hiding my face to look at everyone reaction who looked shocked or confused.
"I'm going to kill Kelley" I said as I felt a blush appear on your face at my confession
"Not if we get to her first" Ash said as a group of the veteran went out to chase after her.