year 2 pt.2

150 8 11

Kiara woke up alone in the room. The beds where JJ, John B and Pope is slept were now empty. She straightened up and saw her cat lying on the end of her bed. Marley was purring quietly, eyes closed.

Her anxiety immediately kicked in, what if they had forgotten her, what if they didn't actually want her here and they just left her behind now. She didn't know this house, so she didn't want to go down alone either.

But eventually she put her anxiety aside and slipped out of bed. She grabbed a wool sweater and put it on over her sleep shirt, her long tan legs were covered by long checkered pajama pants.

Going out of the room on her bare feet, she quietly closed the door behind her and tiptoed down the stairs. The house was large and had several floors, but eventually she reached the level floor of the house and was immediately met by a strong cinnamon smell.

She followed the smell, but before she went into the kitchen, she got a glimpse of the three boy at the table and the four adults across from them, it seemed serious. So she did not enter the kitchen, but out of curiosity she stood out of sight of the people, but made sure she could hear the conversation.

"Why is Kie not here?" she heard the blond boy ask.

"We want to tell you something, kids. It's serious, that's why we woke you up so early." spoke Big John.

"So why is Kie not here?" asked John B, repeating his friend's question.

"Because it's about her." spoke Marigold, Pope's mother.

This made the three boys look confused, they exchanged glances with each other. And Kiara also looked confused, she was not with them. Had she done something wrong?

"What about her? Did she do something wrong?" asked the Heyward boy.

"No, no it's really about her, about who she is." spoke the woman with the golden hair.

"You're not serious, are you?" laughed Jj, thinking it was a joke.

"JJ, I don't know why you are laughing, there is nothing to laugh about." spoke his mother.

"I can't believe you guys, seriously? Okay I understand, the Slytherins, but you?" the blond boy called out, raising his voice.

And finally Kiara understood what the four were talking about, they didn't like her, they didn't accept her. Because she was a filthy mudblood.

Kiara could feel tears stinging her eyes and before she knew it, those tears were rolling down her tan cheeks.

"JJ, calm down!"

"No, I'm not going to calm down, you guys are unbelievable! You guys hate her for her blood, trust me she can't do anything about it that she's muggleborn! She is one of the greatest witches that I know, and her parents-" but the blond boy couldn't finish his sentence.

"JJ, you don't get it do you?" chuckled Big John, laughing at the blond boy's reaction and misunderstanding.

"Then what is it about Dad, you guys are only giving signals that you hate her." spoke the wavy-haired boy.

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