year 2 pt.1

181 11 6

𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝟐

𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏

Kiara loved spending time with her parents, sure. But she couldn't wait to see her friends again, she missed the facts Pope told her every day, she missed the hugs John B gave her and she missed JJ's jokes, his smile, his ocean blue eyes, his dimples, she missed the blonde boy so much. And she was finally going to see him again. She was finally going to see them all again.

She wrote a letter every week to each. Even when she was in Spain with her parents she managed to send a letter every week.

She had also received a lot of letters, every one or two weeks John B and Pope sent a letter. And from Jj she got three letters over the whole vacation. The first three weeks she had received no letters from JJ, she was not angry rather disappointed. But then in the fourth week of vacation she finally got a letter from the blond boy. A four page letter, he explained in his letter why he had not sent a letter earlier. Something to do with problems with his father.

"You got everything?"

Her mother's voice brought her out of her thoughts.

"Yep, I got everything." she replied, stroking Marley, who was lying in her arms.

"Take good care of Marley." spoke her father.

"I will."

"We will try to send letters, but last time it was not so easy. But we are going to try our best."

"Don't worry about it, I'll see you guys back on christmas, right?" she asked.

She saw her parents look at each other and then back at her, a concerned look on their faces, but she could also see pity in their eyes.

"We're sorry, but we have a job in france on christmas." spoke her mother, her voice full of pity.

Kiara's smile disappeared from her face.

Kiara loved her parents, but sometimes they were allowed to be considerate of her. Her parents were business people, and so they had to go to other countries a lot, but it was always inconvenient. Many of Kiara's birthdays Kiara spent at her aunt's house, without her parents. And Kiara understands, they have busy jobs, but sometimes it feels like they don't enjoy spending with their daughter.

"We're sorry honey." said her father.

"It's okay, I gotta go, train's leaving."

Her mother took her by her face and gave her a kiss on the forehead, then her father gave her another kiss on the cheek. She sent them another smile and then she left with Marley in her arms for the entrance to the London station. On her way, she waved once more to her parents and then disappeared into the station.

Kiara and her parents thought it best to say goodbye outside the station. Mike and Anna obviously knew about wizards and witches, so of course they also knew that not everyone in the wizarding world respected them. And so to protect themselves, as well as their daughter, they thought it best to say goodbye outside the station so that none of the witches and wizards would see them. Kiara thought it was the best thing too, Kiara had heard rumors before going to Hogwarts that muggles had been murdered by some wizards and witches calling themselves, the kooks. And when she was at Hogwarts, the Daily Prophet was full of articles that muggleborns and muggles were being murdered by those kooks.

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