year 1 pt. 3

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𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝟏

𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑

Christmas break went by quickly, Jj and Kiara spent every day, every minute together. JJ and Kiara became each other's person. Kiara always went to JJ to talk to him because he could always make her laugh. JJ always went to Kiara, because Kiara could always make him laugh.

Today Pope and John B came back so Jj decided to talk to Kiara about something.

"You have to tell them," JJ said. The two sat in the common room; they were the only ones in the common room. JJ was drawing something and Kiara was sitting with Marley on her lap.

"What, who?" asked Kiara, confused.

"John B and Pope."

Kiara just looked at the blond boy confused.

"That you're muggleborn."

"What, no. Why do I have to tell them?" she asked, raising her voice, waking Marley up.

"They're going to be angry if you don't tell them." he said.

"Do you think they don't want to be my friend anymore because my parents are muggles." she asked, sadness immediately took over her voice.

"What, no, no, no. I mean they're going to be angry because you kept a secret. Of course they're still going to want to be friends with you, besides I'm almost convinced John B is a half-blood." he said.

"What, John B a halfblood?" she asked, shocked.

"Yeah..." he said, nodding his head.

"But John b doesn't say it either, then I shouldn't say it either."

"Okay, that's fair." he chuckled.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

When the two saw Pope and John B enter the great hall. They immediately jumped up and ran toward them. Kiara greeted the two with a big hug, but JJ wasn't much of a hugger so he just slapped his hands against Pope's and John B's.

The four walked back to the gryffindor table and sat down.

"So, how was your Christmas?" Kiara asked.

"Good, me and my dad celebrated Christmas together, I was happy to see him again," said the routledge boy.

"Well, my mother knitted me a sweater, I celebrated Christmas with all the family!" said Pope.

"How was your Christmas here at Hogwarts?" asked John B.

"Oh, yeah it was great, thanks by the way for the present," Kiara said, sending a smile to Pope and John b in front of her.

Great, was maybe a little too optimistic. Because all the stuff with the slytherins, but other than that, Kiara had a great time with the blond boy.

"Yes it was fun here at hogwarts," said the blond boy.

"I can't believe we're already in the halfway point of the first year," said John B.

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