year 4 pt. 1

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𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝟒

𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏

Under the warm August sun, the girl arrived at The Chateau, her heart bursting with happiness. After a month apart, she couldn't wait to see her friends again. Stepping through the door, laughter and warmth welcomed her, making her feel right at home amidst the summer breeze and cherished company.

She first spotted the familair shock of blond hair. Before she could fully comprehend it, the blond boy approached her with a wide smile, enveloping her in his arms. The air filled with joyous laughter as the two teenagers shared a moment of pure happiness.

The heart warming moment between the two was interrupted when the other two boys emerged into view, joining in to wrap the girl in a warm hug.

"We missed you Kie." JJ told her, when the four friends pulled away from the group hug, to which the other boys nodded eagerly.

"Sorry, I couldn't come earlier. I was grounded for two weeks." apologized Kiara.

"What did you do to upset your folks this time?" asked the Routlegde boy, he cocked an eyebrow at her.

The girl's gaze swept across the room until it landed on the parents of the three boys. With a quick smile exchanged between them, she redirected her attention back to the boys. "I'll tell you guys later." she told them and the walked up to the parents.

"Kie, I'm happy you're here." exclaimed the blonde woman, as she walked up to Kiara.

"It's good to be back." the girl told the woman, as she brought her in a warm embrace. Kiara's heart always found comfort and safety in the presence of Heather, a woman who, although not her biological mother, embodied all the qualities of maternal love and care. Heather's comforting embrace, gentle words and unwavering support created a place of refuge where Kiara felt understood, valued and cherished.

The sound of Big John's voice pulled Kiara out of her thoughts.

"You kids better take it easy today, tomorrow is a big day." Big John told the four friends. The four teenagers became curious as they exchanged glances, each with a puzzled expression

"What are we doing tomorrow dad?" asked John B, turning to face his father.

"You'll see bird."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The four teenagers sat in the living room, the sound of the fireplace's fire crackling in the background as the friends recounted their crazy summer.

"So what did you do to get grounded Kie?" asked the blond boy, who was sprawled out on the couch with his feet in Kiara's lap.

"Smoked a joint in my room."

It might not have been her wisest decision, but during one of their family gatherings, Kiara and Ethan, the only family member who didn't judge her and didn't see her as a freak, sneaked outside to smoke a joint. From that moment on, Kiara found the sensation of the smoke filling her lungs strangely liberating.

"Where did you even get a joint?" asked the Routledge boy.

"My cousin has some friends, they always deliver him weed." 

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