Chapter three: First Meet

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As I dashed around, frolicking and laughing with her siblings, I suddenly collided with someone. The unexpected encounter left my heart racing and my curious mind racing with questions. Who was this mysterious stranger? What was he doing here? The possibilities were endless, and I couldn't wait to find out.

My heart was pounding as I asked, "Who are you?" He didn't answer, but his intense gaze locked onto mine and held her captive. Finally, he spoke in a low, seductive voice, "Rehan baby. Remember my name, because from this moment on, it's the only name you'll need to know." I couldn't help but shiver with anticipation as his words sent a thrill through my body. Something about him was exciting and dangerous, and I was powerless to


My heart was pounding as the creepy guy's gaze lingered on me for an entire hour. Just as I was about to lose hope, a sweet aunty and her adorable kids, the youngest son and daughter, arrived. They were the kindest people I had ever met, in stark contrast to the rude guy who turned out to be the eldest son of Mrs Singhania.

Despite my efforts to escape the boring conversation, I was trapped with the rude guy for an hour. My siblings were lucky enough to play with the guest's kids, while I was stuck dealing with his unpleasant glares.

The whole incident sent shivers down my spine, leaving me wondering what had gotten into him. I had to get out of there before he killed me with his gaze.

I raced upstairs, not giving him a chance to say a word. But then I realized what a mistake I had made and refused to go back downstairs until he was gone.


Past. The past was so complicated. Why should I go back to the past and make my present more complicated?
No no you all are thinking wrong I am not talking about my past, I'm talking about History. The subject was fascinating, but memorizing it was a daunting task.

Suddenly, my mother's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Aaru, the guests are leaving. Come downstairs and say goodbye."

I groaned inwardly, knowing I'd have to face the rude guy again. But I put on a brave face as I waved goodbye to Reyansh and Divya, the siblings of Mr. Rude. They were the complete opposite of him. Rehan was kind to everyone, except for me. But I refused to let it affect me.

As soon as the guests were gone, an eerie silence descended upon the house. It felt like the calm before the storm, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen.



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