Chapter five: Suprise

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My mind is feeling a little off after yesterday's drama. I couldn't believe I was marrying Rehan, the most arrogant guy I've ever met.

All I wanted was to marry someone of my choice. I barely knew him and our first encounter was terrible. Did he even know we were getting married?

"Good morning class." As soon as my professor walked in, I tried to focus on my exam, but my mind was elsewhere.

The rest of the day was a blur, and all I could think about was the fact that Rehan was my future husband. The world seemed to be against me.

"Aaru do you know that guy?" My friend Myra asked.

"Which guy are you talking about?"

"That guy wearing a black shirt and why is he staring at you," she pointed towards a guy and Oh my god! What is Rehan Singhania doing here in front of my college gate?

"Aaru Aaru!"

"Hmm umm?"

"Are you listening why was he staring at you a minute ago?" Myra asked curiously but what should I tell her that he is my future husband?

"He is no one, and bye I should get going." Before she can ask more I run outside.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I had walked into a broken piece of glass. As I struggled to stand, tears appeared out of nowhere. How will I walk home now?! I'm strong I can bear this pain.

I tried to stand but it was of no use.

Suddenly a hand appeared out of nowhere and picked me up

"Wait who-"

"Shhh" The guy none other than Rehan lifted me into his arms.

"Wait what are you doing everyone is looking!?" But of course, Rehan being Rehan didn't say anything in reply.

I tried to hide my face in his chest so that no one could see my face.

Then I heard his voice "Why are you hiding your face baby? Let the world know that Aaradhya Khurana only belongs to Rehan Singhania." His voice sent shivers throughout my whole body. And what am I? An object that belongs to him! but I don't know why his words did something to me.

He took me to his car and made me sit in his passenger seat. He didn't say a word neither did I. He silently took out a first aid box and started to tend my wound.
Despite the pain, I couldn't help but feel comforted by his gentle touch.

The silence was killing me so I decided to ask " What are you doing here?

His response left me speechless: "I'm here for you."

"For me?" I asked again.

He just hummed without taking his attention from my wound.

"Why did you always answer like this?" I asked quite irritated.

"Like what?" He asked now looking straight into my eyes and touching my cheeks. My face heats up. Why is he so close? I tried to push him but he held my hands.

"Don't try to push me ever understand? He asked and I just nodded because of his proximity.

He kissed my forehead and went towards the driver's seat.

" And from today onwards don't run away from me and walk properly hmm?

I just don't know what to say! He is trying to kill me a hundred times in a day!!

But it looks like, this was just the beginning. Rehan's intensity only grew stronger from that moment on. Even though he seemed to be trying to kill me with his overwhelming presence , I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach.



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