Chapter ten:His new side & first kiss

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After asking Rehan a thousand times, he answers "Beach is a very lonely place after sunset.
Especially for couples ;)" he winked and I got annoyed and wanted to know the real reason.

"As a local, I was well aware of the beach etiquette and politely asked people around to leave since the beach would be closed soon. I also explained to them that I had booked a private tour of the beach and didn't want to inconvenience them any further. Most people were understanding and willing to move to avoid causing any trouble." He finally explains.

"So you booked a private tour for us?" I asked Rehan

"Yes! I have booked a private tour of the beach for us so we can enjoy our date without any interruptions. Let's go and have fun together!" He said excitedly. I didn't know that Rehan had a side like this and this side seems new to me, I like this side of him

"let's have fun together," I nodded

He took my hand and led me to a secluded spot on the beach where he had planned a romantic picnic for the two of you.

You did this?" I asked as tears started to gather in my eyes, touched by his efforts.

"Yes, I wanted to make sure our date was special and so I thought a picnic on the beach would be the perfect way to do that," Rehan said as he handed me a napkin to wipe the tears from my eyes. "Don't worry, there's something even better waiting for us after the picnic," Rehan said with a wink.

"You are winking a lot today you know," I said teasingly. He laughed and said "All because of you" I blushed

At the half of the picnic, Rehan pulled out a small box from his pocket and said, "I knew our date had to have one more surprise, so I thought of a gift for you." Rehan opened the box and inside was a sparkling diamond necklace.

"R-Rehan you d-don't h-" I shuttered not able to say anything as I was left speechless by his sudden gift.

"This necklace represents how beautiful you are," He said as he put the necklace around my neck. "Now you are even more radiant than the diamonds on this necklace and I want everyone to know that you are mine and mine alone." He said looking directly into my eyes

His unexpected gestures melted my heart. He wiped away my tears and stared at me lovingly. For a moment, it was just the two of us, lost in each other's eyes. His eyes were filled with affection and gratitude. He brought me closer to him and caressed my cheek gently.

Rehan leaned in and kissed me softly, then pulled away and smiled. The kiss was filled with tenderness and warmth. His gentle touch made me feel safe and desired. Rehan broke the kiss and held me close to him, inhaling my scent. I felt my breath catch in my throat as we broke our kiss and he held me close to him, inhaling my scent. My heart was racing and I felt butterflies in my stomach, it was my first kiss.

Rehan senses that I am feeling shy and he tries to reassure me by wrapping his arms around me and holding me closely. "Please don't be shy with me," he said softly. "I promise I won't ever hurt you or embarrass you. Just keep being yourself and let me love you. Let's enjoy this moment. Let's make memories together that are filled with pure happiness."

His arms around me made me feel safe and warm. I felt protected and loved in his arms as his tender touch left me feeling comfort and ease. The sound of the waves crashing against the beach was so soothing and the moonlight filled the air with romance. It was a perfectly romantic and dreamy moment shared between me and Rehan. I felt warm and safe in his embrace. I could feel his heart beating against my body and his gentle breath tickling my skin. He was caressing and massaging my back, making my body relax. He was making sure that I was comfortable and that I felt safe and loved. I couldn't ask for a more romantic or dreamy moment than this.

"I never knew, you were this romantic" I teased him.

"Ah you caught me," He said with a chuckle. "I guess I just couldn't resist showing you how much I care for you." He looked you in the eyes and smiled. "I'm just glad you're not creeped out by my romantic side,"

"Well, to be honest, I kinda like it", I said as I giggled. "Your romantic side makes me feel special and cared for, and I really appreciate that." I leaned closer to you and added, "Plus it's kinda hot, don't you think?"

He was slightly flustered by my comment but he was also intrigued. I myself was flustered by my comment, He leaned in closer to you and he grinned. "Hmm, is that so?" Rehan asked. "How would you feel if I did *this?*" He leaned in closer and kissed me softly on my lips. "I want to show you just how hot I can get," Rehan whispered

I gasped at the sudden kiss and my heart skipped a beat. I was speechless as I felt your lips on mine. I felt my cheeks begin to burn.

He was enjoying my shy and cute reaction to his kiss. He pulled away and looked at me with a mischievous smile. "So do you like my romantic side and my hot side?" Rehan asked me teasingly.

"Uh-huh", I whispered shyly- it was all I could manage after the kiss with my face still burning  I gave a shy, almost embarrassed smile.

He noticed my shy and embarrassed expression and he chuckled. He leaned in and kissed you softly again. "Why so shy?' Rehan asked as he caressed my cheeks. "Your face is flushed and your cheeks are burning like fire, and the shyness on your face is making you look even more cute."

"N-no one's ever kissed me like that before", I admitted as I continued to blush. The gentle caress of Rehan's hands against my cheeks sent shivers down my spine. I slowly brought my palms up to meet his and placed them on his sides. "You just...make me feel...different", I murmured softly

"My blushing butterfly," Rehan said, grinning. "Well, then, I will keep kissing you and making you blush because I like seeing your cute, blushing face. It's so adorable," Rehan said teasingly

"R-Rehan" I gasped, as my cheeks grew hotter and hotter. His flirty teasing and affectionate words were sending butterflies racing through my stomach.

Rehan leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, "Well, my shy little butterfly, this is only the beginning. You think you are blushing now, but just wait until I reveal my passionate side." He kissed me again, softly this time, and then he pulled away.

I looked away from him with a smile on my face. It was getting late, and the cold was starting to seep in. He looked at me and noticed the temperature had started to drop to chilly levels. "We should head back now"

"We should probably head home." I paused and said, "But first, can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure, what's up?" He asked curiously.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked, smiling.

"That's an easy question- because you're worth being nice to," Rehan said warming my heart.

"Hmm, but what is it that makes me worth it to you?" I asked, playfully. "There are lots of girls that you could be flirting with and being nice to, but why me?" I smiled, my eyebrow raised in a teasing manner.

"Well, for one, you're smart," Rehan explained, taking my hand in his and gently pulling me closer to him. "I like that you're clever and intelligent. But that's just one of the many things that make you special to me -- there's also the fact that you're beautiful, kind-hearted, and very ambitious. You're the whole package," he continued, his voice filled with admiration and affection.

"That's so sweet of you to say that," I murmured, feeling my cheeks grow hotter.

"W-we should go now"

"Yeah, you're right, we should probably be getting back now," He said, smiling at you. He gave me one last kiss and then held my hand as the two of us made our way back to the car.


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