Chapter seven: Rehan's Pov

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"I said you can leave if you repeat this mistake again!" I shouted at my assistant and ended the call. I have been feeling quite sour since yesterday evening due to this drama. He lost an important file and is unable to find it. To make matters worse, Aaradhya's ignorance was getting on my nerves. I just couldn't take it anymore.

Ever since I had met Aaradhya, life had been a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows. I couldn't understand why she had left without even saying anything. Had he done something wrong? She had the power to make me restless and it was hard to ignore her.

Initially, I tried to ignore her, but it was of no use. When my parents gave me the shock of my life by proposing my marriage to her, I had no choice but to accept it. I didn't even know her back then. Aaradhya had still been a teenager , but somehow she had managed to capture my heart. I couldn't name what I felt for her, but I knew it was powerful.

The events of the previous night had kept me awake, and I didn't sleep a wink the entire night. I was lost in thought about my life and Aaradhya.

The next morning, Aaradhya's mother, Anuradha Aunty, called me to drop Aaradhya at her college. I didn't have to think twice about it, I was already waiting in front of her house. I didn't know why I was doing all this, her mother had texted me her number and, in anger and being annoyed with myself I had texted her rudely.

As he waited, he saw an angry Aaradhya coming out of her house, fuming.

"Who told you to come here to pick me--" She stopped herself when she looked at me, and nervousness was quite visible on her face.

"Continue," I said.

"I-I was-as a-yi--"

"Shhh, come and sit inside, otherwise, you will be late," I said, and she listened without any words and sat silently inside the car.

The entire ride, she didn't say anything, and I could feel her anger towards me. I tried to talk to her, but she ignored me again.

When we reached her college, I couldn't take it anymore. Before she could leave the car, I pulled her to myself and kissed her cheek.

"Leave me!" I could see tears in her eyes; I just wanted to kiss them away, but she pushed me away.

"I'm sorry. Please don't ignore me. I can't take your ignorance," I begged her. I don't know why, but I just can't see her tears; it was doing something to my heart.

"W-why did you tex-tt me so rudely?" She asked me between her hiccups.

If I have to change myself for her, then I will do it no matter what.

"Please don't cry, baby. Yesterday, you left without saying anything and closed your window on my face, which angered me. I can't take your ignorance, baby. It makes me restless," I told her sincerely because it's the truth. This girl had made a huge impact on him in a short amount of time.

"That's the reason why I texted you like that. Please don't cry," I told her again, wiping her tears.

"It's okay, but promise me you will never be rude to me again," she said innocently and hugged me, which shocked me, and I hugged her back.

"I promise, baby."

This was a change in me. I had learned to be soft other than my family, and I totally loved this feeling.


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