Chapter nine: In love with My future husband.

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"You are looking beautiful Aaru" Myra complimented me. I glanced at the clock, and it was already 5:50 pm. My heart was racing with nervousness as Rehan was supposed to pick me up anytime soon.

"Don't overthink, Aaru. You look stunning. Rehan Jiju will be a gone case," Myra said, trying to lift my mood.

I scolded her, saying, "He is not your jiju, Myra!" but she replied with a dramatic "yet."

Just then, a car horn blared outside, and Myra said, "Looks like Jiju is here."

I groaned and said, "Myra, stop teasing me."

"Okay, okay. Go now. Your Rehan is waiting for you," she said, making a pouty face.

I warned her once again, "Myra!"

"Okay, okay. Go now, and don't forget to inform me about your date," Myra said, with a playful smile.

I rolled my eyes, hugged her, and bid her farewell.

As I stepped out, I prayed to God to help me through the date.


As I stepped outside, I saw Rehan leaning against his car, his fingers moving swiftly on his phone's screen. I wondered what he was up to as my curiosity piqued. Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my purse, and I quickly retrieved it, seeing a text from Rehan that read, "You look gorgeous, baby." I felt my cheeks flush with a mix of surprise and delight, and as I looked up, I caught him already staring at me with his mesmerizing gaze. I felt my knees go weak and my heart skip a beat.

Before I could gather my thoughts, he began walking towards me, and I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. "Let's go," he said, extending his hand towards me. I hesitated for a moment, feeling a little unsure, but eventually, I took his hand

As we reached the car, he opened the passenger door for me. As Always a gentleman.

The car ride was as silent as it always was. I couldn't help but wonder how he could affect me so much without even glancing at me. I tried my best to ignore his presence and looked out the window, but my attempts were in vain.

Suddenly, the car came to a stop, and I was taken aback. I was surprised but also ecstatic to see the surroundings. To my delight, the car had stopped near a beach. I wondered how he knew that I love beaches. Was it a coincidence or did he intentionally plan it?

He opened the door for me and extended his hand, which I eagerly took. Filled with joy, I hugged him tightly to express my happiness.

"Thank you so much, Rehan," I hugged Rehan tightly, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and happiness. It was the first time I had ever called him by his name, and I was surprised at my boldness. I tried to pull away from him, but his grip on me was strong and he held me even more tightly.
Suddenly, he spoke up, his voice low and commanding. "What did you call me, baby? Say it again," he demanded, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"N-no, I said i-it in happiness. I'm sorry." I stammered and looked down nervously But he wasn't satisfied. He gently lifted my face to meet his and locked his gaze onto mine. he didn't give up. He held my face softly "Say my name," He demanded again. "Please." He added, his voice soft and tender. I closed my eyes and whispered, "Rehan." I felt my heart rate quicken as I did so. I watched his eyes, closed my eyes and again said quickly "Rehan."

To my surprise, Rehan's face lit up with a brilliant smile, one that seemed to come from deep within his soul.
He smiled wholeheartedly, I saw him smile so freely for the first time and I knew it was not fake.

"My name sounds good coming from your mouth, baby," he said warmly, and I blushed, feeling a rush of emotion flood through me.

As we stood there together, I realized that I had already fallen for this man, my future husband. It was a strange feeling, to be sure, but one that I couldn't ignore. I blushed thinking about this and hid my face in his chest.

He smiled at my behaviour and kissed my forehead.

As we walked towards the beach, I noticed that it was already dark and there was no one else around. I couldn't help but wonder how he had managed to clear the area.

Rehan must have sensed my thoughts, as he said "I do not want anyone to disturb us." My eyes widen.

"How did you do this?" I asked still in shock.

When I asked him, he simply smiled and said, "It's a surprise, baby." he winked at me. I looked at him in disbelief, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation building inside of me. he winked at me. I looked at him in disbelief.


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