Chapter Fourteen: Aradhya is broken

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"Aradhya?"He picks up the call and is shocked to see the call from her, He knew something was wrong even though he didn't want to talk to her he still can't ignore her call at freaking 12 AM

"Aradhya, what happened? Why are you calling me at this time?" he asked, trying to sound calm.

Aradhya's voice was trembling, and it was evident she was crying. "I-i miss you so much, R-Rehan. Please come to me. Please!" she pleaded.

Rehan knew that he was the reason behind her tears. He had broken her heart and their promise of marriage. He felt guilty and responsible for her pain. "Aradhya, why are you crying? What happened?" he asked, pretending to be unaware of the situation.

"I need you, Rehan. Everyone was so rude to me today. My mom even slapped me. I h-hate everyone, Rehan. Why did you break my heart? Why did you make me f-fall in love with you if you were going to lose feelings for me? I h-hate you R-Rehan" she said, her voice breaking down that she didn't even notice that she fell asleep.

Rehan listened to her voice, and his heart sank. Aradhya sounded helpless and heartbroken. He felt like he had shattered her soul into pieces with his actions. He listened to her for a while, and tears rolled down his cheeks.

He wondered how Aradhya could not let go of their relationship. He shouted in his room, "How can she be so stupid?" and threw his phone on the bed.


In the middle of the night, Aradhya started talking in her sleep. Her words were slurred and muddled as if her brain was still trying to process the emotions she had been feeling all day. She kept repeating the same words over and over again as if they were a mantra that could make everything right again.

"I'm sorry R-Rehan," she muttered, her voice barely audible. "Please take me back. I m-miss you. I hate you. You ruined my life. I hate you--"

It was clear that she was in a lot of pain. Her breathing was shallow and rapid, and her cheeks were wet with tears. It was as if she was caught in a never-ending cycle of anger, hurt, and regret, unable to break free from the emotional turmoil that had taken hold of her.

Aradhya was so drained and exhausted. She just kept on talking in her sleep, she didn't even wake up to notice someone else was in her room with her.

She slowly opens her eyes, her vision blurry and her mind foggy. As her eyes adjust to the dim light, she realizes that someone has entered her room. Fear grips her heart as she tries to move and shout, but her body doesn't respond. It feels as though she's trapped in her own body, unable to move or make a sound.

Suddenly, she feels a hand on her shoulder, and before she can react, someone pins her from behind. She can feel their breath on the back of her neck, and she knows she's in trouble. Her heart races as she tries to think of a way out of this situation, but her mind is clouded with fear and confusion. She can only hope that someone will come to her rescue soon.

She tries to move and shout at the same time, but her body's numb. She wasn't able to move or shout, all of a sudden, someone pins her from behind.

"Shut up," a rough voice whispered in her ears. His body was so near to her that she could feel the heat coming from it. The man's breath was so near to her neck that she could feel every breath that was coming out of him.


No answer, but she somehow recognizes Rehan's arm. It was his arm, his rough hands were holding her so tight to him. He was pressed so close to her that Aradhya could feel the man's heart beating so fast. Even though Rehan was trying to suppress his heavy breathing, Aradhya could feel them beating hard as he tried to breathe slowly. Then she feels something else too, His hands are shaking.

Rehan's heartbeat was going crazy, even he couldn't believe he was doing it. It was so dangerous but now he was there in her room, touching her and so close to her.

She didn't even realise that she was not resisting anymore. His grip was still very tight, but his hands started playing with her hair slowly. At first, she couldn't believe he was doing it, but a part of her wanted to let him go ahead with it. She was still in shock and the feeling of his touch slowly started bringing the warmth in her body.

"Where did she slap you?" he asked with a concerned voice. "Left," she replied softly, avoiding eye contact with him. She didn't want him to see the emotions that were written all over her face.

Suddenly, he lifted his hand and placed it on her left cheek, caressing it gently. She was so overwhelmed by the gesture that she froze, feeling as if the whole world had stopped for a moment. She could feel his hand running across the smooth surface of her skin, and it sent shivers down her spine.

Then, without warning, he leaned in and placed a kiss on her left cheek. It was a tender, gentle kiss that left her feeling confused yet exhilarated at the same time.

Tears welled up in her eyes once again, but this time they were different. They were a mixture of anger and confusion, yet there was also a hint of something else. She couldn't quite put her finger on it.

The next minute she felt his hand holding her chin and she was dragged to his chest. He pinned her arms to his chest. His body was so hot and her body was so cold. He held her so tight against his chest, so tight that she wasn't able to move or break his grip.

"Rehan? Why are you doing this?"

He doesn't answer her he just continues to hold her tight against him. He lifted his other hand from her chin and she felt his hand caress her left cheek again and slowly run down to the nape of her neck.

The touch was soft but a part of Aradhya's mind was telling her not to feel anything for this man. but she couldn't do anything. his touch was making her feel things she was trying to stop feeling.

His touch, his heartbeat, his body heat was making her so tired, and soon he felt her hand go limp against him, and he could hear her soft breathing. After a few minutes, her body went completely limp as if she had fallen asleep on his chest.

"God!! I'm so is she affecting me in such a way." He muttered under his breath while caressing her neck.

☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. ๋࣭ ⭑⚝.

An update.



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