Chapter eighteen: police

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Aradhya's Pov

Few hours later, I was still sitting in the same position, Rehan had fallen asleep holding me tight. His breathing had slowed down and he was sleeping. I was relieved to see him stable, but my mind couldn't stop running over things.

I was wondering what had caused him such a heavy panic attack. My mind was filled with so many thoughts, that I lost track of time and didn't even realize when I fell asleep myself.

I woke up to the sound of a knock on the door. My body felt stiff and I was still numb from the entire incident earlier. I sat there thinking whether I should answer the door or not.

I opened the door as I was not at the place to decide. I looked at Rehan one last time and stood up to open the door.

To my surprise, Rehan's father was standing there. But my eyes immediately fell upon the two Police officers next to him, My heart sank and I knew that something was definitely up.

I had several questions in my mind, but the sight in front of me took all the words from my mouth. I could see Rehan's father standing there with a serious look on his face, like he had been told something terrible.

"What happened? Why are the Police officers here?"

Rehan's father looked at me with such sorrow and pain in his eyes, he didn't respond. He was trying so hard to hold back his emotions.

"Just tell me what happened!" I demanded

Rehan's father just stood there with his head down, his silence spoke for itself. I wasn't getting any answers from him so I turned to the police officers to tell me What the hell was going on!

The Police officer looked at me sympathetically, but he wasn't answering either. He just gave me a warning look like the situation was way more serious than I thought it was. The Police officers were standing quietly beside us, like they were expecting me to say something

''Ma'am we have to take Mr Rehan with us''

I was taken aback, My heart dropped when I heard these words and my entire body started shaking like leaves.

"WHAT? What are you saying? Why? Why do you have to take him away?"

I demanded in a voice that was filled with panic.

One of the police officers, a female one gave me a sympathetic look and said.

''We have a warrant to arrest Rehan, we will not leave without him.'' She said with a firm voice. I couldn't let them take him away from his own house. So I took some control of my emotions and tried to speak clearly.

"Wait, you can't take him away like this, he's having a panic attack! You cannot just arrest him without any context. Are you trying to tell me you got a warrant for his arrest without even talking to him first? He has been through enough, let him be for now."

"We have the orders to arrest him, Ma'am. No exceptions," The Police officer said, "We are not authorized to discuss the case with anyone other than the suspect. This is a serious matter. We have to take him immediately."

"What orders!?''

The Police officer refused to answer, she was only repeating the same things like a trained parrot. It was very frustrating.

"Please don't take him away! Please I beg you!"

My body was shaking, and my mouth was dry. I felt my emotions take over my mind.

''Uncle please you say something why are you not telling them to stop'' I called out to Rehan's father desperate for him to speak up.

Rehan's father looked at the Police officer and said in a broken voice.

"You have to take him."

"W-what? No please"

Rehan's father turned away in grief as he couldn't bear to look at me. It was like he had just betrayed me. I was in shock, my mind couldn't handle this much at once. That was when Rehan's father leaned closer to me, his voice was a mix of determination and frustration. The sadness in his eyes almost brought me to tears.

"I cannot believe I'm saying this but you should not be close to my son anymore."

''B-but why? What the hell happened in these five years that you all were hiding from me?"

His father's face was filled with sorrow and guilt as he lowered his head. He couldn't look at me in the eye and I could clearly see that he was struggling to say something. But whatever it is I need answers.

''Aradhya... please, I beg you never to meet Rehan again. He's not safe for you. You will be in danger. That is the reason we have been keeping you away. Please stay away from us".

"WHAT! You have been keeping me away from him because HE was dangerous to ME?"

''Ma'am please step aside we have to take him''

"No! You are not taking him anywhere without telling me first what happened. What did he do? Why is he dangerous to me?"

The police officers came forward towards Rehan to take him away, but I blocked their path. I didn't care how many times they asked me to step aside, I wasn't letting them take him.
I stood there with all the firmness I had left in me. They were trying to take Rehan away, and I wasn't letting that happen until they told me the reason. And even if I got the reason I'm not letting them take him! I know he is innocent

Rehan's father grabbed your arm and pulled you aside." Please Aradhya let them take him".


"Aradhya, let them take me''

My heart stops. His voice cracked and I knew he heard everything. His heart was struggling to keep up the fight.

''Please don't get into problems because of me. let the police take me. It will be better for everyone."

''I promised to explain everything after I am back. For now, just let them take me'' He added his voice was cracking and he barely had any strength left, I noticed his hands trembled and his body moved weakly. I felt helpless. His whole being was screaming at me to let them take him. I couldn't believe this was happening...

"Fine I will let them take you but first answer my one question please" I requested almost breaking down

''W--what is your question?" He uttered as his voice broke.

''Did you really lose feelings?''

he stopped for a mere second, it felt like an eternity to him. Then his grip tightened on my wrist while he replied.


☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. ๋࣭ ⭑⚝.

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Your author<3

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