Chapter six: Restlessness

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The car ride was silent, no one uttered a single word. The only sounds that could be heard were the songs playing on the stereo. It was a good thing because if the music wasn't playing, Rehan could have heard my heartbeats. I stole a glance at him, and despite his rude behaviour, he was quite handsome. I tried to read his eyes, which seemed to be filled with some emotion.

Suddenly, Rehan looked back at me, and I felt like he had caught me red-handed. I wished I hadn't looked so weird, and I felt embarrassed about it. I looked at him again, only to see a small smile on his lips, which was strange. I quickly looked away before he caught me again.

Lost in thought, I felt a hand on my cheek, and Rehan apologized quickly, "Sorry, we're here." He removed his hand just as quickly as he had placed it. I nodded, trying to remove my seatbelt, but my nervousness got the better of me, and I couldn't. Rehan leaned closer to me and unfastened it. My heart was racing out of control, and I didn't know what was happening to me.

I opened the car door and left without saying a word. I didn't even thank him for the ride. I felt stupid for my behaviour. When my mother asked me about my injured leg, I lied and told her I had fallen asleep. I ran to my room, and as I looked outside the window, I saw Rehan staring directly at me. I thought he had left, and our eyes met, causing my heart to race again. After a few seconds, I looked away and closed my window, feeling embarrassed.

The next morning, my mother asked me about the previous day's events, and I couldn't escape her. She asked me sternly "Why had you come home in that manner?"Her face showed seriousness.

"Mom, I hurt my leg and it was paining a lot so I went straight to my room to rest," I told her.

"Don't lie and what happened to to your leg?"

"I step into a broken glass," I replied honestly.

Her face softened a bit but quickly hid it. "How clumsy you are, Show me?" She comes forward to look at my leg.

"Yeah ladki dhyan se chal bhi nehi sakti"(this girl can't even walk properly) She went to her room brought the first aid box and started to treat my wound. No matter how rude she tried to be, I know she still loves me.

"Rehan will come to pick you up" Mom said ruining my happy mood.
This guy can never leave me alone!

"What but why?" I whined.

"Go with him, or you won't be going out with your friends," she said sternly.

I didn't want to face him, but I had no choice.

"Eat your breakfast, Rehan will be here soon."

I heard the sound of his car in the yard while I received a message from an unknown number, and my heart skipped a beat.
"Come outside soon, I don't have a whole day for you" How rude!
I was fuming when I went outside.
"Who told you to come here to pick me--" I didn't realise what I was saying and went silent when I looked into his eyes, and my words died in my throat.

"Continue," he said in his dark voice.
"I-I was-as a-yi--"

"Shhh, come and sit inside otherwise you will be late." I obeyed silently
I walked towards the passenger seat, I couldn't help but feel a sense of irritation towards Rehan. Although his close proximity affected me, I was still angry at him for being so rude to me earlier. I didn't like his behaviour towards me, especially when he acted like Mr Rude Singhania. All I wanted was my sweet and caring Rehan back.
My? What am I thinking?

As Rehan put on his seatbelt, I tried my best to ignore him. He attempted to initiate a conversation, but I held onto my grudge and kept quiet. The whole drive to college went in complete silence. When we finally arrived, I was about to open the door when he suddenly held my cheeks and planted a kiss on them.

"Leave me," I shouted, filled with frustration. How dare he? First, he would text me rudely, and now he had the audacity to kiss me.

Angry tears streamed down my face.

"I'm sorry, please don't ignore me. I can't take your ignorance," he begged, wiping away my tears.

"W-why did you tex-tt me so rudely?" I asked, struggling to speak through my hiccups.

"Please don't cry, baby. Yesterday, you left without any words and closed your window on my face, which angered me. I can't take your ignorance, baby. It makes me restless," he explained, kissing my forehead and making me forget my anger. Without thinking, I hugged him.

"That's the reason why I texted you like that. Please don't cry," he said reassuringly.

"It's okay, but promise me you will never be rude to me again," I said, feeling a sense of relief.

"I promise, baby," he replied, hugging me back. I felt his smile on my face, and suddenly, everything felt right again. I didn't know what this feeling was, but I knew that I loved it.


Rehan 😭

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