Chapter four: a promise

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"Aaru, come downstairs I want to talk to you" The sound of my mother's voice calling me from downstairs made me tense. I was immediately filled with thoughts of what I could have done wrong to warrant her summoning me. As I made my way to the dining room, I noticed that my entire family was gathered around the table. My heart raced as I wondered what could be happening.

"Come Aaru, take a seat," my mother said in a calm and reassuring tone. I sat down next to my father, who appeared to be disappointed and upset. My unease grew as the room fell silent.

"Aaru," my mother began, breaking the quiet that had settled over the room. "As you know, your finals are coming up soon, and you'll be heading to another city for your further studies. As your mother, I've always been worried about your future," she continued, and I couldn't help but feel nervous.
Before she could continue, my father interrupted her, his voice raised with anger. "Anuradha, just stop!" The sudden outburst made me feel even more anxious.

However, my mother was undeterred. "No, let me continue," she said firmly. "I'm not saying that you need to get married right now, Aaru, but I want you to know that I've promised you to Rehan."

The mention of marriage made my heart skip a beat. I was not ready for this. "Wait, what? Who is getting married to whom?" I asked, hoping that I had misunderstood.

"You! Your mother promised you to Rehan!" my father said, his voice filled with frustration.

The news hit me like a ton of bricks. Me? Marry Rehan? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "What? Can't I have the freedom to choose the person I marry? And at this age! Tell me, Mom, this is a joke, right?" I cried.

"Listen, Aaru, Rehan is a good boy, and I'm not saying that you have to marry him right now. You'll marry him when you're ready," my mother reassured me as she cupped my cheek.

"Mom, please no!" I begged, feeling the weight of the decision bearing down on me.

"No, Aaru, end of discussion!" my mother said, her voice stern and unwavering.

"Dad, please tell Mom that I won't marry Rehan. I'll marry someone I love," I pleaded, hoping that my father would support me.

But he looked at me with a sad expression and whispered a sorry. It was clear that he was not going to take my side in this matter, and that realization crushed me.

With no support from my father, I broke down in tears, unable to fathom why anyone would want to force me into a marriage that I did not want.

Why make a promise I don't want to keep?


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