Chapter 15

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Levi's P.O.V:

The entire daytime show was good. Eren was happy, and that made me happy. He loved to interact with the fans and would sometimes exchange numbers with them. I was laid back most of the time, but there was something nagging me at the back of my head. Arthur.

Eren was constantly worried about the man. I told him that Arthur didn't deserve his concern. Arthur was just a low, dirty fool. I didn't want Eren to see him, nor talk to him, but his decisions weren't mine to make.

"Levi." Eren's voice was playfully whiny. He tugged at my sweatshirt sleeve with a pout. "Levi, a mean girl keeps bothering me."

"You're one to talk," a girl said as she approached the two of us. "I just said that you needed to stop blabbing your head off about everything Levi."

I shot a teasing glare at Eren, who shot back a sheepish grin.

The girl placed a hand on her hip as she looked the both of us up and down. "I can see the whole scenario now. You, Levi, a homeless boy on the streets; and Eren, an average kid just giving another person some money. But no, he wasn't just another person, since you gave him something that was worth way more than any dollar--a chance at life."

I blinked at the girl as she tossed her long, brown hair behind her shoulder with her free hand. Eren simply went still as he comprehended what the girl had said.

"Yes, I know. I do have a way with words." The girl left with another toss of her hair. Eren snorted before bursting into a fit of giggles.

"Oh my god, she was weird!" he exclaimed. I snickered along with him, but stopped when Xavier came into eyesight. Eren gasped, holding a hand over his mouth.

The man had tears streaming down his face. His body looked like it would collapse at any given moment, and Eren had already run over to help him stand up.

"They r-replaced me..." he mumbled, choking on the words and hiding his face with his hair when he cast his head down. Eren rubbed his back, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. I felt a sort of emotion that twisted my stomach into a knot whenever Eren would help Xavier with his issues.

"Who did they replace you with?" I asked. Eren glared at me.

"Dustin's girlfriend, Ellie."

My eyes widened in disbelief. "Wait, so a girl your fan-base hates joined the band to replace you? That wasn't very smart."

"I don't know..." Xavier rubbed his face and smiled sadly at us. "I was never a favorite to begin with. I don't think anyone would care."

"You're my favorite," Eren said with a reassuring grin. I clenched my teeth.

"Oh my god, Eren." Xavier chuckled slightly. "You are such a fucking beautiful person, thank you."

I frowned as Eren and Xavier exchanged more kind words to each other. It was great that Eren was helping Xavier through such an awful time for him, but I felt so horrible about it. Why? Was it because Eren helped me too and I didn't feel as special anymore?

Waving off the thought, I approached the two, tugging on Eren's sleeve like he did to me not five minutes ago. "Eren," I whined.


"Can we go do something fun since we're still here?" I pointed to one of the little mini rides they set up for the concert event. "We can bring Xavier if you want."

"Nah, you two can go," Xavier said with a shake of his head. "I just need a nap or something."

A weight lifted from me, and I almost sighed in relief. Eren nodded, another grin blessing his face as he joked around with Xavier before saying goodbye.

A Fanboy And A Dollar (Ereri)Where stories live. Discover now