Chapter 3

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Levi's P.O.V:

I walked with an exaggerated swagger. This was my life. Girls and money being thrown in my face every second of the day. It wasn't all that bad...until you have to live with it for the rest of your life.

My only light was nonexistent. I didn't even know if this boy was still out there; I didn't know if he even remembered me. Probably not, remembering how he seemed to see people like me all the time.

"Hey, Levi? Is it true that-"

I slammed the door to the fancy hotel I was staying at. Unfortunately, the paparazzi finds its way into all of my personal life. Not like I have much, anyway. My secrets are their secrets, my life is theirs. I can't stop it, otherwise I already would have.

Every single day, I get new rumors that I've gotten someone pregnant, or that I'm now married, or dating, or anything. It makes me bitter because I'm still a virgin. Though no one really believes that. Maybe it's because I'm a celebrity, and since I'm a celebrity, I need to have some group of fuckbuddies or something. A lot of these people are sick.

Before I could even think about sitting down and relaxing, my phone started ringing its annoying tone. How did my phone number even get leaked? Again?! It pissed me off.

I picked it up and pressed the 'Answer Call' button. A squeaky voice making me cringe.

"Oh my God! You finally picked up! love you so much! You saved me from myself and I just want you to know that I thank you for that. Bye!"

And the girl was gone. That was weird. No one ever hangs up on me: they usually get hung up on... But her words were the same. My music supposedly 'saves' people. If they were really serious about suicide, they'd do it. My music isn't something meant to help people anyways, so I have no idea how it would save people. The only thing it saved was me.

I was a kid on the streets. Something that was horrible and dangerous. Drunk men and women could snatch you up and take you somewhere you wouldn't want to be. You don't have any safe place. Nowhere to call home.

I snuggled up closer to the warm sweatshirt keeping me alive. Watching silently as the cars sped past. Their lights annoyingly bright.


I blinked a couple times before dismissing the voice and trying to fall asleep.

"Hey. Kid."

Instead of ignoring the voice again, curiosity got the best of me, and I looked up, finding two teen-aged women looking down upon me. They wore black and had tattoos cascading down their arms. Their dyed hair catching my sleepy eyes. They didn't seem harmful...

"What?" I responded. The one with blue hair smiled.

"Can you sing?"

I pondered that for a moment. Singing? I've never tried it before.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully. I had barely ever heard any music before, so how could I please them? Would they be happy and walk away if I sung something? Or would they give me money?

"Oh. Well you don't have to."

I gave them pleading eyes. Hoping they'd understand that I wanted to try, but I didn't know what to sing. I didn't know how to sing. I didn't know what sounded 'good'.

"Could you try?" the platinum-blonde with long bangs covering her eyes asked.

I frantically nodded.

"Do you have any songs in mind?" the blue-haired women asked.

I shook my head sadly.

A Fanboy And A Dollar (Ereri)Where stories live. Discover now