Chapter 5

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Eren's P.O.V:

We were chanting his name. Over and over, my favorite artist's name was shouted. Soon enough, he burst out of his hiding spot behind a curtain that split in two. My breath hitched in my throat, and my eyes started burning.

My chapped lips curved into an ecstatic grin. My eyes finally spilling over as I started jumping up and down like a few others as we whooped and screamed at the short man on stage whom was gazing at all of us warily.

"How is everyone today?" he asked.

Fans screeched their answers to him. It was a loud mixture of whoops and shouts. He then showed us a set of perfect teeth. It hardly looked legit, but it still looked beautiful.

He jabbed a thumb into the air when people calmed down a little, and the enormous room was filled with hardcore bass once more. I didn't recognize it, so I was momentarily confused, but I then assumed it was an unreleased song, and began crying harder than I was.

His voice was slightly strained, as if his throat was constricting as he was singing, but I wouldn't believe it if he started crying during one of his live performances, since he's one of those more reserved people with their emotions.

Somewhere during the song, he finally let his eyes flutter open. He briefly scanned the crowd before his eyes landed on someone near me. I think.

He paused mid-sentence, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why did he stop?

The music stopped as well, bringing out a lot of the more violent fans' personality. Listeners were either yelling or patiently waiting for an answer to the sudden heaviness in the atmosphere and Levi's sudden halt.

"Hey," Levi said quietly. Stopping some of the shouting. "Who's a fan of me?"

Girls and boys of all ages began shouting their answers. I remained quiet, for he was still looking over this way. I was growing more and more confused. Which one of these peppy little supermodels does he have the hots for?

He pulled something out of his back pocket and flung it into the group around me. Since I had to be the tallest one, I caught the skillfully thrown piece of plastic with ease.

The girls around me whined, and I caught Levi smiling. It looked...different. To say the least, it looked a lot better than the one he gave us earlier.

I tried to read what it said, but I couldn't make out any words due to the poor lighting and all the people bustling around me. So before it got stolen or something, I shoved it into my front pocket. Fortunately, Levi had started singing the rest of his interrupted song. I don't know what that was about, anyway. But maybe the thing he had thrown will explain it...once I get out of this crowd that is.

Mikasa's P.O.V:

When Levi had thrown something into the front, I sighed. I couldn't get it for Eren. If I had caught it and given it to him I could have gotten a little kiss on the cheek. He does that to people sometimes when he gets really happy. I knew he would have denied the fact that he harbored feelings for me, but I know. Yes. I know he does it secretly. I can see it in those gorgeous eyes of his.

I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder, and I turned to see a teen-aged boy around my age. He smiled at me, but I slapped his hand. "I have a boyfriend you know."

He frowned before teetering off to somewhere else. God! He didn't have to look so confused! I knew he just wanted to get in my pants. I watched as he did the same thing to another girl much younger than him to ask if he could get past her to find a friend. He's smart, trying to hide the fact that he just wanted to touch me. But I'm Eren's, and only Eren's.

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