Chapter 16

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Eren's P.O.V:

"Do we really have to leave this early?"

Levi glared at me as he threw a towel over his shoulder. "Of course we are. I'm the one driving, remember?"

I pouted. "What does that have to do with leaving early?"

"I'm the one driving."

"Don't even try to argue with him," Xavier said as he walked into the room from the kitchen area. "It won't get you anywhere."

I huffed childishly and crossed my arms, but decided to follow Xavier's advice. Levi smirked as he finished packing the few items he had into a backpack I never really noticed.

"So basically we're going to check out, pack up the car, go to the next concert's location, and maybe participate in the shitty summer festival bullshit they have over there. It's kind of like the one we just went to but a lot bigger," Levi explained as he closed up the kitchen area. As he was moving the folding wall back into place, his right shirt sleeve lifted slightly, and I caught sight of the tattoo many of his fans questioned.


He directed his attention to me instead of his current action. "Yeah?"

"Um, what's that tattoo on your arm for? Does it mean anything?"

He looked at the tattoo I was talking about before lifting the sleeve all the way up. "This? Well, it's a little memento of my gang. I didn't really care enough to get rid of it." Levi allowed the sleeve to fall back over the tattoo and shrugged. "Doesn't mean anything more than that."

"What about your gang? How did you get into a gang? And against Arthur too?" I asked. Xavier suddenly seemed extremely curious about our conversation, and I wished he wasn't here at this moment. Levi looked uncomfortable as well, and I wanted to take back my question, but before I could call it off, he interrupted me.

"That answer is for another day, Eren. I promise."


"Where are we going?"


"How long will that take?"

"Two nights if we're slow."

"What if we're fast?"

"One night, obviously. I sleep for less than four hours on car trips."

"Can we go to the festival thing you mentioned?"

"Of course, now shut up."

I smiled and settled back into my seat. Xavier chuckled from behind me, and Mikasa was already taking a nap.

Most of the trip in the car was spent staring outside the window and listening to music through either the radio or my earbuds. During the night, I was restless and wanted to go back to the hotel where there was a bed. Levi said we made it to Oklahoma fast and I was grateful we were since I wouldn't have survived another night in the car. I was also happy to find out that by making it to Oklahoma early we would be able to spend more time at the festival.

We checked into a hotel, which was less fancy, but more cozy, and right after we entered our room, I collapsed onto the first bed I saw.

"Since there's only one bed in this hotel two people are going to sleep in the bed, like last time, and two are going to sleep on the floor. Just so you know I'm not going to sleep on the floor-"

"I'm sleeping on the floor," Xavier interrupted. "And I need all the extra blankets, pillows, and all the chairs."

Mikasa's eyes brightened. "I'm sleeping on the floor too."

A Fanboy And A Dollar (Ereri)Where stories live. Discover now