Chapter 1

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Eren's P.O.V:

"Wake up, douche pants! Just because it's summer doesn't mean you can sleep in all fucking day!" I heard my adoptive sister, Mikasa, yell in my ear. Making me groan, and roll over to the side.

"I don't appreciate the light right now," I complained. Hiding my face with my pillow to avoid the torture of burning eyeballs.

"Well get up. It's almost two."

I threw the pillow at my sister, stretching with a yawn and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Come on. Get up," Mikasa whined.

"Why do you want me up in the first place?" I asked. Snatching the pillow I had thrown at her.

"Because. It isn't good to be sleeping this late in the afternoon."

"And I care why?"

She fell silent before muttering, "I-... God dammit, Eren."

Smirking, I threw my feet over the edge of the bed. Fingering the knots out of my hair with my hands. "Well get out, sis. I don't like it when you're in my room."

She pursed her lips. Crossing her arms while leaving with a disapproving huff and a slight slam to the door that separated my room from the hallway.

I trudged over to my desk. Collapsing onto my chair, and flipping open my laptop so that it would turn itself on. Me being my lazy self, I didn't want to hit the power button every time. So I changed the settings to make it turn on when I was to open it.

My screen flickered a welcome before showing off my thoughtfully chosen background image; my favorite singer of all time. I wasn't a huge fan-boy, but I did enjoy his music. Mikasa had easily gotten me into one of his first albums. She wasn't a fan of his anymore, being sucked into the world of some random boy bands, but I stayed firmly in place.

"Hmm," I hummed. Clicking on Twitter, and quickly typing in my favorite singer's name: Levi Ackerman. Immediately getting results.

"Over a million followers?" I breathed out.. Astonished he could even manage that many. But then again, he's a fairly popular guy. Woman fall at his feet, and men sit and watch at a distance; jealous.

"Well, Twitter. Do me good," I sighed. Creating an account just to stalk Levi's. That sounds pretty weak, but I didn't have any other use for Twitter.

I was about to start scanning through his tweets, but a sudden intruder slammed my door open. Making me jump and release a noise of surprise from my throat. "Mikasa! Knock!" I scolded. Giving her a glare before minimizing my window.

"Eren! I entered a contest to get tickets to a concert!" she yelled. Her eyes glazing over as her girly instincts started kicking in.


"And? And?! The Trio would play there! I can't miss that!" the raven squealed. Clasping her blushing face with her hands.

The Trio was one of those boy bands Mikasa is obsessed with. I don't understand how she enjoys their music over Levi's, since they don't even write it in the first place, but I can't control what she likes.

"Why would you even enter a contest? As if you'd win it, anyway," I huffed. Spinning around in my chair while using my hand to push off the desk.

"Because I know you would come too!"


"Because Levi would be there, dipshit!"

I immediately stopped spinning, and looked my sister dead in the eyes. "What?"

A Fanboy And A Dollar (Ereri)Where stories live. Discover now