Changed Normal (Horikita Suzune)

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"It's already been a month since the second year of our school lives began and so much has changed around me and in my own life too." Horikita thought to herself as she looked back at everything that happened towards the end of their first year at this school. The chaos that was caused by Kushida's true face being revealed still haunts Class D til now and why wouldn't it, in her downfall Kushida managed to bring down a whole class as well since now no lower rated student has any confidence in their abilities. They had all been reminded that except for a select few the whole class is filled with incompetent fools who managed to believe that they could actually reach Class A solely based on the efforts of the few that aren't incompetent.

Class morale was completely crushed and now Horikita was put as the leader of Class D by everyone in the class. Some did it because of guilt while some did it out of admitting inferiority but the fact that she was now responsible for this class was quite evident.

Another thing had unexpectedly happened in Horikita Suzune's life which if you told anybody at the start of the first year that this would happen they would not believe you. Horikita Suzune had managed to fall in love and with the person she believed she despised the most no less. It had happened towards the end of their first year when she was at risk of expulsion but ended up getting saved by Ryuuen. Prior to that incident the two had certain moments between them which both had brushed aside as "nothing happened" but feelings have a way of reaching one another and their's eventually did after many turns.

Now that she had fallen in love with the man who she had previously despised, Horikita's life was nothing short of chaos. Ryuuen was a daring man who wasn't afraid of anything which meant that her life had become filled with risks. He would pull her in a corner of a busy hallway and start kissing her knowing damn well students were forbidden from engaging in sort of "sexual activities". He would walk in their class during lunch time to sneak her a note telling her where to meet him during lunch since they had decided to keep their dating a secret but the mere presence of Ryuuen sent shivers down all of class d except for a few people. His daily appearances in their class caused many questions among the second years with most trying to figure out what Ryuuen wanted out of class d. Horikita had tried to tell him of the consequences his daily appearance causes within her class and the school and had asked him to text her the location where she was supposed to meet him for lunch daily but Ryuuen refused because it wouldn't be exciting otherwise.

"Come on Suzune where's the fun in that."

"Ryuuen this isn't about fun, we have fun all the time sometimes maybe too much. The whole school wonders why you keep showing up in my class and it's making it harder for me to cover up and play dumb."

"Well I don't much care about what the whole school thinks as long as I got you so screw that and don't act like you don't enjoy our morning fun that we have in the hallways or sometimes even the classrooms."

"I never said I don't enjoy it but it's risky and I don't want anything to ruin our relationship not stupid rules or people."

"So you do care about us, that warms my heart Suzune." He spoke up in a soft manner which was creepy in itself.

"If I didn't 'care' about us would I really be making out with you everyday twenty minutes before class starts? Then at lunch and after at home?"

"It's a good thing we came first in that exam no? Now we can carry on our special activities even after school."

At the end of the first year Horikita ended up coming first with Ryuuen for the living together special exam and although the initial reward of that exam was class points, the couple that came first were given the choice to continue living together if they wanted to and of course both Ryueen and Horikita wanted to continue their arrangement.

"Did you even listen to anything I said? Gosh you are are hopeless!!"

"If by hopeless you mean hopelessly in love with you than guilty as charged."

Ryuuen had always been a smooth talker but the affect of that had never registered with Horikita until she fell in love with him. Now his smooth talking makes her heart beat intensely each time but she loves this new feeling of love that she is currently experiencing whenever he's by her side.

Being with Ryuuen had greatly changed Horikita, she was happier than she's ever been in her life and that fact was noticeable to everyone around her. When they asked her the reasoning behind her sudden happiness Horikita would simply brush it aside as nothing more than working on herself to improve her attitude towards other people. The reality was vastly different to the lie told by her and she knew it, Ryuuen Kakeru was the entire reason behind Horikita breaking out of the shell she had previously hid herself in and shut everyone out of. He had taught her many things but the most important thing Ryuuen made her realize was the confidence required to run a class. It was due to that reason that Horikita was able to talk and connect with most of her classmates and she was eternally grateful to the man who was sitting in front of her.

He was looking at her with those devilish eyes of his, it was those damned eyes that she give her everything to and became tainted by but she loved how he tainted her existence with his own.

Horikita thought back to a famous saying people use nowadays, "The Devil made me do it!"

"Well in my case the devil sits in front of me rather than on my shoulder"

End of part 1: Well here's to the start of a new school year for koji and the others. The first few parts are going to introduce you to the new setting for a few characters which is to their individual storylines moving forward so I hope you guys look forward to it.  Thank you for liking part 1 of this story and I hope you guys enjoy part 2 and leave ur thoughts in the comments about what you thought about the chapter or how the story will progress in general.

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