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The first step to reconstructing Class D was underway when Hirata and Horikita managed to gather the most capable students in our class and convinced them to attend my tutoring.

I however made an addition to the tutoring plan by including a student I thought had great potential if only he was guided properly. Sudo was a crucial part of this plan because I felt like he could understand where the lower students would struggle since he himself climbed his way upwards from the bottom and if I can guide him further then he can bring up the low ranked students. 

I had told Kushida to help guide Sudo properly last year when the both of them because partners for the big end of the year exam but she refused to listen to my words properly out of spite for Sudo.

Another bunch which I wanted to fix was Akito and Haruka as the two of them were a rare case that I hadn't seen before. Both of them excelled and struggled at the exact same subjects and if I could help them overcome their weaknesses then they would become excellent all rounders in academics.

We were currently all in my room although a bit cramped, it fit us all in just enough. It was a tough study session that had been underway since morning but I felt like pushing ahead this aggressively was necessary.

It was currently 3pm which meant we had been studying non stop for 5 hours now but I did not want to mention that as they were all very focused right now. I knew mentioning the time would break a few of theirs concentrations.

"I'll be back in two minutes." I got up as I informed the group.


"Yea ok."


This was great progress after all as none of them paid me the slightest attention and were all focused on solving the problems ahead of them even Sudo, who was currently deep in conversation with Horikita regarding some advanced Calculus problems I had assigned him.

I quietly made my way to the kitchen to prepare some snacks for the group as I felt that it was equally as important to take breaks and give your brain rest, as it was using it.

Thanks to Kushida I was now in the habit of buying a variety of snacks and drinks and storing them in my room in case of guests. It was one of the many things she taught me regarding socializing.

Unknowingly I had started to pick up a lot of Kushida's habits and had become a lot like her in many ways.

"I think I like this change in myself"

After a few minutes I came back with drinks and snacks and told the group to take a short break.

"Wow I didn't even realize we had been studying for 5 hours now." Sudo spoke up first as we were all enjoying the snacks.

"What will you do Sudo?"

"Right?! It didn't even feel like 5 hours because I was so immersed in the group atmosphere that studying for that long felt like a breeze. I've never even studied this much in one go before but today it felt different." I always suspected that Matsushita's abilities were much higher than she projected but it wasn't until I saw them today that I realized just how greatly she outclasses everyone in the class regarding academics at least. I do still believe that she can go even higher but there is no evidence of her still holding back that I can prove.

Love born from hatred (Year 2/End)Where stories live. Discover now