Egos collide

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Ayonokoji Pov:

I woke up this morning with an odd feeling rising in my gut.

"Wonder why I'm feeling this way?"

I ignored that feeling for now as I had to get ready for school. Our current school days were really peaceful as there had been no special exams thus far but I had a feeling that was only so they could lower our guard and then give them when students weren't mentally prepared.

"Today we'll be talking about the new exam that the school has assigned for years 2 and 3."

I guess I was right all along. Chabashira sensei entered our classroom and immediately announced this shocking news on the students. Many panicked due to their sense of security that they had developed these past few weeks.

"Sensei is this a combined exam since you said the school has assigned this to both years 2 and 3?"

"I see someone was paying attention, yes you are correct Horikita this is a combined exam where you will be required to go against the third years. The whole of second year will verse the third years in a competition of three sports which have already been picked by the school."

"Sensei can you tell us the sports?" Ike asked interrupting Chabashira sensei in the middle of her explanation.

"Well if you let me continue I will Ike. The three sports which the two years will be competing in are Football, Basketball and Volleyball. You will be assessed as an individual class but also combined with your fellow second year classes. The key to victory is to outshine everyone individually while also working together towards a mutually beneficial outcome. The girls will be competing exclusively in the volleyball competition while the boys will compete in basketball and football. You can only participate in one sport individually so depending on how you decide to split yourselves up to make the two teams you will play the sport which is assigned to you at the start."

The point ranking will go as follows:

Both years need to win two out of the three competitions in order to win the exam. The year that wins the exam gets rewarded 100 class points each. The year that losses the exam will be deducted 100 class points each.

Individual ranking:

The mvp from each competition will earn 50 class points for their class and 100,000 private points.

The worst player from each competition will make his or her class lose 50 class points and if it is a third year student then that individual will be expelled from the school. The school will be constantly assessing each student's performance every second they are on the pitch or court.

The Second Year Captains for the the three competitions are: Sudo for basketball, Hirata for football and Matsushita for Volleyball.

"Eh why me?" Matsushita clearly confused by her selection raises the question that's on everyone's mind.

"Yea why Matsushita?"

"She always keeps to herself and doesn't really stand out as the leader type."

"YEAAAAAA I'M THE CAPTAIN FOR BASKETBALL NOW WE ARE DEFINITELY WINNING!!!!" Sudo clearly unbothered by what's going on in the class declares victory for the competition.

"Each captain is selected by the school who have considered you three to fall in the criteria of a successful captain. What their reasoning is only the school knows but they selected the three captains after proper evaluation. I myself am shocked that all theee captains come from within my class but that is the school's judgement."

"Bu-" Matsushita wanted to argue further but decided to quite down in frustration.

I had a slight understanding of her abilities so I could sort of piece together why the school would pick her but of course further evaluation is required to confirm my analysis of her.

"You will meet with your fellow second years starting tomorrow where one of the pitches would be booked for the third years and one for the second years, the courts will be divided in a similar fashion. You will have a total of two weeks for prepare all your tactics and finalize the teams that will play before the special exam begins. That is all." 

After giving her speech Chabashira sensei exited the room to give the students some time to process and plan the up coming exam.

Ryuuen's POV:

"What the fuck? Who made that monkey the captain of the basketball team? And who the fuck decided to give all the captain slots to their class? This exam is such a bullshit thing!"

After our teacher explained the exam an outrage was heard throughout my class and I quite agree with it but I had to calm these monkeys down since we had to work with the other classes otherwise all of us are fucked and I had the desire to beat the leader of the third years Nagumo Miyabi.

There is no way I'm playing Basketball under that monkey's leadership so I'll stick to football with that geek goody two shoes's leadership. Now I just need to make sure Nagumo is also going for football and then I can crush him once and for all. If Ayanokoji decides to play football too than that would be a welcome edition.

"Listen up you waste of spaces, like it or not we have to work together with the rest of the idiots from the other classes so I suggest you try not to fuck us over since we need to beat the shit outta those third year ego maniacs."

"This exam was set up by the school to be a clash of egos from both years. Kukuku I wonder which of us will come out on top."

The only other good thing that came out of this exam is the fact that I get to stay around Suzune without her whining about how suspicious it looks.

Horikita's Pov:

After the exam was announced I immediately went to the front of the class to control the surge of different emotions that were beginning to rise from our class.

"Listen up everyone, can I please have the three leaders of this exam come to the front of the class."

All three of our class's leaders came to the front of the class after I called them out.

"Over the next two weeks these three will be the leaders of the class and we will have to work together and support them in coming up with the best possible team we can form from the second years. It is up to you three to run tests and check fitness levels of all of us before selecting your teams and we trust and support you completely."

"Thank you Horikita."

"Yeah thanks Suzune I appreciate it."

"Thank you Horikita, I'll try my best."

They all looked scared yet determined to see us to victory and that's all I needed from them. Now all I have to do is support them in the best way I can and leave the rest to fate.

"No we have to write our own destiny, we have to and we will win this exam no matter what it takes!!!"

End of part 4:

Sorry it took so long but here is another part that kicks off the new exams which is filled with exciting up coming clashes of egos between both years and intense rivalries.

Love born from hatred (Year 2/End)Where stories live. Discover now