The Loneliness That Befalls a Prodigy

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The news that the second years had completed dominated the third years in their special exam spread throughout the school like wildfire. At first the first years didn't seem to believe it but gradually everyone came to except the fact that the third years really had lost and three to nothing nonetheless.

Despite the match being decided by a few key individuals in all games, the second years all tried to take credit for the efforts of those individuals.

Sudo, Ayanokoji, Kushida, Matsushita, Ryuuen and Hirata were all known as heroes that beat the scary third years and ended their reign of terror within special exams. This fact made the first years less scared of any third year and some third years that used to bully first years into forking over their private points weren't able to have a lot of success in that area now due to their defeat by the hands of a couple of second years.

One man was specially enraged at the third year's defeat more than anyone else. Negumo was sitting in the student council office with an annoyed look on his face. He had this look ever since the second years completely washed the third years in the previous exam and it only seemed to anger him further when the first years started looking up to the second years rather than the third years as a symbol of power and hierarchy.

"Hey Negumo the budget for this event is a little tight so we need to go over any places where we can cut back expenses and have a slightly easier hand."

Kiriyama was currently going over some student council matters but Negumo could not properly hear him as all he was thinking about was their loss by the hands of those unbearable second years especially one man in particular, Kiyotaka Ayanokoji.

He was the prodigy that was trusted by Horikita Manabu as he left the school in his hands rather than Negumo's who had always wanted to be relied on by him. It was him that was acknowledged by Manabu at the relay race and it was him that he wanted to race against not Negumo despite how many times he asked him to have that race.

"Just who are you?"

Last year when he tried getting the answer to his question by asking around about that man, the responses he got all further annoyed him.

"Who is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji- kun you ask me? Well if I had to be honest with you vice president I don't really know what goes on in his head most of the time but I can tell you this though, he's special and not because of his super human like abilities that he occasionally displays but because he has this ability to reach someone's heart and make them confess all their feelings to him, as if he's the only one who can solve their problems. I always viewed him as a pillar of strength that everyone can rely on and it would never crumble." After saying this Ichinose slightly blushed and walked away hurriedly.

"High praise from Ichinose, she's never praised anyone that way before."

"You want to ask me regarding who my boyfriend is? Isn't this a bit odd for you to be asking about someone like him vice president? Well to answer your question he's like a mirror which always reflects the truth back at you. He shows you who you really are and doesn't let you run away from the truth and your reality. He's always there to lay out the path you should take and becomes the strength you need to overcome anything in that path. I suppose this description of him is a little biased and tailored to my personal experience though haha."

"A beacon of strength for Kushida, is that who you are Ayanokoji?"

"Kukuku so he's gotten under your skin as well has he vice president? Sure I'll tell you who he is. A monster, that's all he is. An animal that makes you doubt whether you're the hunter or the one who's being hunted. He will always make you believe you are the one who's in control while he slowly pulls the rug from underneath you. I can't say I know him on a personal level but what I can tell you is that he's the pinnacle of strength and the only one worthy enough to make me admit inferiority to him for now at least because I plan on surpassing him by the end of my time at this school."

Love born from hatred (Year 2/End)Where stories live. Discover now