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Ryuuen's Pov:

"Got in another fight again? Tch what am I going to do about you."

"It's not my fault, the other kids were saying that you and I aren't a real family and you just feel sorry for me that's why you always take care of me. When I heard that I just wanted to punch them but maybe they were right."

"Why would you ever think that? If I felt sorry for you would I take care of you as my son? Because that's what you are Ryuuen, you're my kid and no one can take that away from us. So it doesn't matter what some stupid kids think because I'll always be your mom and you'll always be my son."

"Sometimes I get confused and I don't know what to think or how to act, when that happens it makes me choke on my own breath and it's really scary mom."

"When that happens just picture me in your mind and think about what I would say to you in that moment, I promise you'll never feel that again."

"You swear?"

"Pinky swear."

"Hey Ryuuen look what I got you!!!"

"The toy car model I wanted! But how'd you know I wanted this model?!"

"That's the thing about mothers, they always know what their kids are thinking about."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you mom."

"Happy birthday my stupid son."


October 20th 6:40 am:

"The alarm's ringing."

As I turned my body sideways in order to shut the alarm off, I opened my phone to check what day it was today.

October 20th

"No wonder I had that dream, it's today, my birthday."

This was my least favourite day of the year ever since  that day. I never celebrated my birthdays afterwards and I felt no need to either because what's the point in celebrating the fact that you one year closer to your death?

"But it's also her birthday not just yours. Mom would have been 34 today....

Birthday's get harder and harder to face alone each year, it feels like sometimes I start choking on my own breath sometimes.

No point dwelling on the past, I have to focus on the now so I can create the future that I desire.

I got up from my bed to take a shower as per my daily routine. As I stepped in the memories of the past kept replaying in my head.

"Hey Ryuuen, wanna go watch a movie? It'll be like a mother son date for our birthday!"

I turned the water to completely cold in hopes the cold could help me forget but it had no effect whatsoever.

After 15 minutes I got out of the shower dripping water everywhere on the marble tiled floor. I quickly dried my hair and put a towel around myself. As I looked in the mirror my pathetic expression was reflected back at my face.

I got out of the bathroom to go look for a pair of clothes to put on but someone was already in my room sitting on the bed.

"Happy birthday handsome."

"So what's my gift, Suzune?"


"That's one hell of a birthday present." She sat there with a smirk on her face which was a lot similar to mine.

Love born from hatred (Year 2/End)Where stories live. Discover now