Changed Normal (Kikyo Kushida)

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"Kushida, I have a task for you today."

"It's been a minute since you assigned me a task, Sakayanagi"

"Well this particular one will test all the skills you have honed these past few months."

"Oh? Well consider me interested then."

"Excellent, you will find all the instructions with Kamuro. She will meet you at the karaoke place in room 5."

"Is that all?"

"Yes that will be all, you may go."

As I turned around to leave it finally broke. It was hard maintaining that emotionless face around her when I was getting so pissed off by her controlling tone.

"You know you may fool everyone else but you can't fool me. Next time you want to bite my head off from where you stand, at least try to cover up your blood lust. It feels like I'm in the presence of a thirsty hyena desperately waiting to pounce on its prey but even hyena's are smart enough to know which animals are prey and which ones are predators."

"I will never be able to stand your know it all voice no matter how much you train me to be your loyal dog."

"Oh but I'm not training you to become my loyal dog, I need you to be better than me and him. You get what I'm trying to say don't you?" She looked at me without speaking a word and I understood exactly what she meant but it was still so frustrating to require her help.

"You have something he lacks and I can't use and that is exactly what you have relied on all these years but you need to be better at using that Kushida, you can't get frustrated like a child because that's your biggest weakness and he knows how to use that. Let go of your feelings and anger, kill your actual emotions and than fabricate them afterwards. You cannot reach your full potential until you let go and surrender yourself to me and bury your past like it never existed."

Her words annoyed me at first but I knew she was right, I have known about this flaw for a long time now but I ignored it. I have been so fixed on keeping my life the same as it has always been this past year that eventually everyone and everything moved forward leaving me behind as I desperately tried clinging on to it. Even though I know how to use emotions to get what I want, these emotions can just be as easily used against me because I lose my sense of control quite easily and that is how he ruined me last year. "I will not and cannot allow that to happen again!!!"

"Just let go!"  The voice in my head begged me to let go of the past but can I really let go? With him I was the happiest I have ever been in my life, those moments spent together were my treasures. Am I really able to let go and be reborn as the heartless bitch that she wants me to be?

"I want the other ice cream!"

"But you asked for this Kushida."

"But your one looks more deliciousssss...

"I don't like peppermint flavour so if we trade I don't benefit from it."

"It's not always about benefiting Kiyo, sometimes you take the worse option in order to make your girlfriend happy."

"Will this make my girlfriend happy?"

"Uh huh uh huh uh huh"

"Well then I guess peppermint isn't the worst flavour out there."

"Thanks Kiyo, I loveeeee youuuuu soooo muchhhh hehe"

"Your love for me increased by that much over ice cream?"

"Nah, I loved you that much with or without ice cream."

"I think I may love you too."

"Or not and that's perfectly alright, you have never experienced love so when the time comes you will understand that feeling on your own without anyone needing to tell you what that is."

"I refuse to believe in luck because I think each human creates his or her circumstances by themselves but with you I think I just may have gotten lucky."

"Of course you got lucky with me, I'm Kikyo Kushida you know how many boys out there would love to date me?"

"Well then I'm honoured you chose me Kushida."

"I think it was you that chose me and set me on this path, you helped me accept who I truly am and showed me that there was someone else in this school that has the same ugliness as myself."

"Do you have an idea how beautiful that side of yours is? That Kushida is the one who changed my view on people, before you I thought all humans were trash but I know at least one more person isn't."

"I will always love you Kiyo."
"I'm breaking up with you."

Yeah that's right, he threw it all aside and destroyed me. You took everything from me Ayanokoji and I will bury you in the ground for that the same way you buried me. I thought I should hold on to the old me but I realize that's foolish, the old Kushida should stay buried in the same place where he took everything from me.

"Fine, if I have to become your dog to eliminate my weakness than I willingly accept."

"Consider it done."

"Excellent, you will soon come to realize how right you were in making this decision. You thought you were strong before but now I'll give you allies you've never had before. I can give you everything you would ever want to not feel helpless, power, people, credits, friends that are just like you. But Kushida, I require absolute obedience for all of this to happen don't ever forget that."

"Understood, I'll take my leave now." I turned around to leave while trying to complete destroy my past.

"Fufufu, let's see if hard work can beat True and False geniuses Ayanokoji. I can't wait for our match against one another now."

Part 2 ends here:

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