New Structure

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What our class lacked was a proper structure in which each student is able to thrive to the best of their abilities. So far the class has relied on a said few to help pull everyone else's weight but that had to change.

In order to change that I needed the help of those said few to help bring about the flame of change in others. As Keisei had said I couldn't expect all of them to pick up a textbook and memorize everything inside it but I could help teach it to them.

What I required was a hierarchy of tutors leading all the way down to the lowest rated student. Starting from me to the academically high ranking students to the mid ranking student all the way to the low ranked ones.

I would also factor in the fact that if one student is good at a certain topic then they would teach it to others or at least to their friends within the class if teaching to a large group was too overwhelming. Friends teaching friends, strong teaching the weak and the weak teaching the strong. This was a class structure built around constant learning and growing from every side possible and allowed people to learn from whichever teaching style suited them and if they still couldn't find a style which was suited to them then I would personally step in and adjust myself to what was best for them.

"We will hold tutoring lessons 5 days a week for the next 3 months none stop and once a week I will teach the already academically gifted students even further so that they can stay 10 steps ahead of the rest of you and eventually make you all catch up to them through their tutoring." I had just finished explaining my plan to the rest of the class as they looked at me with surprise.

"That's not a bad plan at all Ayanokoji but it's really risky because we have to factor in special exams and the others classes attacking us during those exams as we are trying to grow our strength. This would greatly halt our progress you know." Hirata brought up a rational point regarding my plan and of course I knew this from the get go.

"You are correct Hirata and under those circumstances our focus would still need to be on growing ourselves as a class. We would need to rely on the same strategy as we have been doing since the start for the 3 continuous months of studying and growing. We would need the higher ranked individuals to pull the classes weight the best they can in the exams in order to minimize our loses. However, let me make this clear, we will be taking many hits from everywhere in the next three months whether that's a special exam or a roadblock in any learning and if you are not committed towards this plan than there is no point in having it implemented. It's either the entire class or no one and there is no in between because the whole class needs to take the hits and grow simultaneously. So what will it be?" I posed the question towards the class in order to test their willingness towards each of their individual progressions as a student and a member of Class D.

There was a long silence throughout the class as most people were still thinking about my words before answering my question. At least they think now instead of making any spur of the moment decisions like before.

"Well I'm all in for the sake of the class Ayanokoji, you can count on me to support you in any way I can!" Hirata offered me his unwavering support which eased the looks on some people within the class like Kei.

"You have my backing to Ayanokoji but I believe the rest of the class still needs some time to think it over. How about we come together tomorrow and by then everyone should have made their decision?"

"Sure I'm fine with that. I would also like to add the athletic factor into the plan too. As I said earlier we will be having tutoring lessons 5 days a week but that leaves the other two days, Saturday and Sunday open. On those two days we would get our athletic students such as Sudo, Akito and Onodera to lead us in doing some stamina and endurance training. I greatly believe that our next exams that have an athletic component will greatly rely on a students stamina and their endurance because the school has always centered its exams and system over the concept of longevity. If we can increase the basic stamina and endurance of each student higher than before than that would greatly benefit each of you in the long run. Once again I realize that this would greatly attract the attention of the other classes and some might even try to sabotage our plan by individual picking out students, that is why I need a hundred percent commitment from every student or this plan of ours won't work."

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