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Human beings have a variety of flaws that they possess within them. While some flaws exist to harm another person, others, the more dangerous kind inflect a type of self harm that not only makes you harm yourself but rather allows others to harm you as well.

Ignorance is a flaw that harms an individual beyond comprehension. Ignorance is a tool which another can use to harm you in areas where you didn't even know were possible.

The world around me is ever changing but lately I haven't been paying attention towards that fact. I managed to overlook many developments these past few months and I'm sure there are a lot more have happened which I don't know about yet.

"It's dangerous for me to become this sloppy."

I need to insert myself back into the world in which I reside in or else I'll leave myself open to many vulnerabilities. The question stands to how I can go about doing this. What I need is a valuable source of information, a person who knows more than an average student but wouldn't be suspicious of me prying around.

"Oi Ayanokoji you listening?" I turned my head to the left and found a nasty looking stare from an old enem-I mean friend of mine. Horikita looked just about done with my existence, questioning the universe as to why someone even gave birth to me.

"You're looking at me like you can't comprehend the reason behind my existence you know?"

"That's exactly what I'm trying to understand, why someone as lazy and annoying as you possesses such a high level of intellect yet never tries to use to for the betterment of the class."

"Hey hey I helped in our last special exam by making that last second shot you know, and where were you? Yeah you were sick and bedridden for a week right before the exa-

I quickly dodged a murder attempt on my life and backed away from the killer.

"Death by compass, now that's a pathetic way to die. At least choose a more honourable way to kill me."

"No, someone as pathetic as you deserves to die a pathetic death." She stared at me with a killer intent without even caring about the fact that we were currently in a classroom with some kids, which meant multiple eye witnesses.

"I was just joking, let's relax and talk about this."

"We're way past words now Ayanokoji....

What the hell, this woman has no regard for kindness when it comes to me. Although she's become a lot softer in these past few months as she was forced to take on a leadership responsibility. Due to her responsibilities as a leader which required her to listen to the needs and fears of her classmates, Horikita gained a whole new perspective and changed for the better though I suspect Ryuuen also played a significant part in her development.

"That's it, she's the answer."

"Horikita I got a favour to ask."

As I said this both our phones rang as a message notification popped up.

"Sakayanagi, what does she want this early in the morning?"

The message simply said to meet at karaoke in 20 minutes. It was still early in the morning and classes didn't properly begin for another half an hour or so which meant it was doable but I doubt our conversation would only last 10 minutes or so.

"You got that too?" Horikita looked at me to confirm whether we both received her invite or not.

"Yeah, what do you think she wants?"

"Dunno but whenever her highness summons anyone it's never for a good reason."

"Aye aye." We both knew that nothing good would come out of this meeting but regardless our curiosity made us head towards the mall for the karaoke room.

Love born from hatred (Year 2/End)Where stories live. Discover now