Changed Normal (Kiyotaka Ayanokoji)

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"Its lonely? Is that not what I yearned for? I'm conflicted for the first time in my life." My thoughts betray me as I come to a conclusion regarding my current lifestyle. I'm alone yet it seems that I don't quite appreciate that fact anymore. Before I strived for a isolated lifestyle as all I wanted was to be left alone but now a part of me is missing, the part of me that coloured this lifeless world of mine is missing, she is missing.

"When did I change this way? I suppose it was because of her that I changed this way."

Did I make a mistake in letting her go? No that is not the problem, she would have become too reliant on me if I didn't let her go similarly to how a part of me has become reliant on her now.

"My days are lonely now." The thought of loneliness constantly paraded my mind as I was sitting in class trying to listen to Chabashira sensei talk.

Hey Kiyo, wanna get out of here?

We are in class right now Kushida.

Come on pleaseeeeee 🥺


🥺😔🥹 pretty please with a hot girlfriend on top?

Fine but where are we going?

To the mall of course! Let's watch a movie!!!

Which one?

Haven't figured that out yet 😋

Alright where do you wanna meet and when?

Meet me in front of school in 15 minutes, wait for 10 minutes after I ask to go to the bathroom and ask the same question and then come meet me in front of school.

"Sensei can I go to the bathroom?"

"Sure you can go Kushida."

"Thank you." She got from her seat and looked directly towards me before giving me a sly smirk.

"Way to not make it obvious Kushida."

I counted down from her leaving the classroom until 10 minutes had passed.

"Sensei can I go to the bathroom?"

"Exactly 10 minutes after Kushida huh? Well at least you kids are specific when timing. Yes you may go Ayanokoji, see you tomorrow."

"Huh what do you mean see you tomorrow sensei? Ayanokoji is just going to the bathroom." Ike left confused by her statement asked  Chabashira the obvious question.

"It's nothing for you to worry about Ike focus on solving your Calculus and Vectors worksheet, I need it by the end of day today."

"Oh shi- I mean yeah ok."

I knew I should have waited a minute or two longer to throw her off but I decided to go with my girlfriend's genius plan. The plan would have been genius if it wasn't used on Chabashira sensei that is. I mean she should know that sensei would time me to see if I make the same excuse especially when you smirk at me in front of everyone no?

Embarrassed inside I quietly got up with my worksheet in hand. As I passed by Kushida's desk I realized she forgot to hand in her worksheet before leaving.

"Just how forgetful and sloppy is my girlfriend?" I took her worksheet and handed both of them in to Chabashira sensei.

I exited the classroom and headed towards the front of the school where I saw my girlfriend quietly waiting for me.

Love born from hatred (Year 2/End)Where stories live. Discover now