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"Todays the day huh." I lay awake in bed thinking about our meeting with the other second year classes that is supposed to take place today.

"Guess I'm going to see her after a while now. I wonder how she's doing?" Since the day we broke up, I haven't seen Kushida even once despite us living within a close proximity of one another.


I arrived in my classroom to be greeted with the usual chatter whenever a special exam had arrived. The nervousness of many students could be felt in the class atmosphere.

Shortly after my arrival Horikita came to the front of the class to make an announcement before we were supposed to head out and meet with the other classes.

"Can I have everyone's attention please before we head out. I would once again like to state the importance of backing our three leaders because ego maniacs like Ryuuen and Sakayanagi will do everything to bring them down and lower their importance as our three captains, that is why we must stand behind them and give them our full support."

Horikita's short speech gave rise to the class enthusiasm increasing for this exam and our three students. "You've grown on your own without me interfering Horikita."

We entered the gym shortly afterwards to be greeted by the other three classes.

"This gym is given to the second years to use as they please for basketball and volleyball so make sure you use it properly." Chabashira left us after giving this last piece of advice.

"Yo if it isn't Suzune and her band of monkeys." Ryuuen turned his attention towards us and a smirk on his face.

"Fufu now things will get interesting." If Sakayanagi is here than where is she? This feels odd.

"Horikita over here." Ichinose waved towards Horikita, she was the only one that greeted our class with friendliness rather than hostility.

Some time was passed exchanging words with the other classes and talking about this exam. I particularly had no one I felt like conversing with so I kept to myself.

"Listen up you waste of spaces." With that one statement Ryuuen brought the anger of the whole second year on him at once but he still seemed unbothered.

"This exam was clearly designed for only the elites to participate in from each class since three sports aren't enough to include the whole year second or third due to the large number of students we have. So I have a proposal, let's have each class face off in all three sports while putting their best players forward and some of the best players from each team will make the starting lineup of every sport."

"Oi you bastard you aren't the captain so you don't get to decide, it's us three that pick the players we want on our teams for the competition."

"Do you want the team to be picked on individual bias or do you want every player to earn their spot based on their performance monkey? But don't worry since we can't remove you, you and the other two idiots will have an automatic spot on the team."

"You know, I quite agree with Ryuuen here."

"That voice. It's her."

She came up from behind him with a smirk on her face. I looked at her for the first time in the past few months and she looked even more beautiful than she had before. Her beige hair fell all the way down to her waist now, the long hair suited her a lot. Her eyes had no glimmer in them but rather a look of dominancy. I didn't recognize a single trace of the old Kushida in her, she looked completely different than a few months ago.

"Ho ho if it isn't the former princess of the school. You have changed quite a bit Kikyo. I prefer you this way though since you have actually become hot rather than the cute bullshit you always tried to pull." I noticed Horikita who was standing beside make an angry face after Ryuuen said this.

"A woman's jealously is her kryptonite."

"Thank you Ryuuen." Kushida apparently noticing Horikita's annoyance decided to lean against Ryuuen's shoulder.

"I believe Ryuuen's plan is actually the smarter approach which is surprising considering it's him so we as class a will support it." Sakayanagi chimed in to Ryuuen's aid.

Eventually most students agreed with his plan and we decided to start our competition. Now I just had to pick which support I would play. Since I want to see how she does I guess I'll stick with basketball for today.

"How you been Ayanokoji?" As I was thinking I heard a voice from behind me.


"What? Is there something on my face?" She asked me this as I was staring at her.

"No, I was just lost in thought."

"You don't look too good Ayanokoji, I thought you would be happier once you kicked me out of your life but it seems like the opposite happened." Am I worse off without her? I know I threw her out of my life when she felt like a burden but I have become the same person I was at the start of my school life without her around. She connected me to the world around us but without her around it feels like a part of me is lost, I'm hollow inside just like I had always been. This is fine on it's own no?

"No." I feel a part of myself lost unable to recover but why do I feel this way? I was alone since I was born into this world and I had been alone throughout my childhood. How did you make me lose a part of myself Kushida? If it isn't with you than no one matters anymore, was I wrong to leave you all alone on your own?

"I don't believe human happiness is dependent upon another human's ability to make you happy Kushida." No it doesn't matter, what happened was for the betterment of her and I.

"Is that so? I suppose you might be right when it comes to you, after all you only ever care about yourself and damn what anyone else thinks no? Haha it's all so interesting Ayanokoji, it will be fun facing against you in this up coming school year." I felt no hatred or anger in those words just pure objectivity from her viewpoint. Did she really manage to kill her emotions?

"Well I gotta go the girls are calling, see you around Ayanokoji!" She waved me goodbye and left to meet with her newfound friends from class a one of whom was Kamuro, Sakayanagi's personal guard.

"I wonder how strong you have gotten, Kushida."

End of part 5:

This chapter was focused entirely on their meeting after so many months so it might have felt slow but the real exams begins from the next chapter onwards.

Love born from hatred (Year 2/End)Where stories live. Discover now