Chapter 7

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Author's POV...

After that Ragavi felt strange and different she couldn't concentrate on anything happening around her....soon the maids helped her to take bath as well as helped her to draped in a heavy silk saree with expensive gems and gold work on the jarri.... They dried her hair and perfumed it with herb smoke.....

They made her wore her heavy ornaments.. Ragavi's mind didn't process anything after that incident she felt like she was changing but couldn't comprehend it....

Soon the maids work was over and they left her alone  as per ger order.  ....she heard ekkalam sound that announced the arrival of the Emperor Uadaiyan Sethupathi... 

She wanted to go out and see him entering the fort but something stopped her from moving out.....

Her eyes wandered around the room that stilled at one big closed iron box... She moved towards it and found it wasn't locked so she opened it only to be mesmerizing by what's inside...

It's the same sword.... Which had precious Rathinam stones on the handle announcing whom it belongs to..... It's Rani Udayaal RathnamaDevi's Sword....

Goosebumps erupted in Ragavi's body just by seeing that majestic sword.... Her hands trembled when she tried to touch it... Still she managed to touch it...........

The next second the room went dark..... The daylight was gone she find herself in some other chamber which was even more bigger than she had been.... The lamps lit up filling the dark room in golden color light make it look even more beautiful....

She looked around there was none..... But soon someone came out of the door presented inside the chamber.... It's an young boy........ But he was looking even more matured than the last time she saw with Rathna and Sambavan....

He was wearing a leather jacket looks like a combat suit... He went towards  one big box.... The very same one she just now saw... He opened and took out another sword which is different from what she saw.... It have lion and on the handle........

Soon someone else entered the chamber........ It's 10 year old RathnamaDevi who just married to him an hour back....she didn't know before that he have to leave for war...

Her eyes filled with tears.... By her salangai sound itself he understood it was her.... His body stiffened still he didn't looked back at his little wife...

"Will you leave me Udaiyare... "

He heard her sad hoarse voice.... He took a deep breath......

" Wipe your tears now Ilavarasi RathnamaDevi.. "

His voice was stern... She immediately wiped her tears obeying his order.... The only person she listen to without asking questions was just him.....

He again said.....

"My Udaiyaal Should never be my weakness.... "

She didn't answered but moved towards him and walk past him then only he saw her sword in her hand... She kept her sword in the same place where his sword was a moment before.... She prayed and joined her hands with closed eyes before closing the box...

He was watching her moves keenly ... He couldn't understand what she was doing now..... She turned back and looked up at him....

"What was that mean Udayaal. "

She looked back the box and then him.....she gulped the lump formed in her throat before speak up to him ... It was tough for the little princess but she did succeed in swallow her cries...

"Remember Udaiyare... You promised me that you will teach me fencing yourself.....I Raja Udaiyan Sethupathi's  wife Udaiyaal RathnamaDevi won't touch the sword till you comeback and you yourself give that sword in my hands..........

I am young but that doesn't mean I am weak.... I can never be my Udaiyar's weakness... Am I right Udaiyare... "

She said with determination and pride that made him look at her with atmost admiration...... He knows how his Udaiyaal is.....when they have to visit a temple in forest they have been attacked by enemies.... She wasn't scared of blood and the fight instead she asked him to teach her how to fight like that.........

He took a step ahead and cupped her face in his hand.... She looked up at him....

" I am a soldier Rathnama.... Did you heard this story when a child born dead in our soil... His mother make a scar on his chest by sword giving him the glorious death of a soldier...... Giving my life on the Warfield for my motherland is pride for me........the victory I get will belong to my mother land ....... I promise you I will fight till victory belong to my motherland and I will come back for my Udaiyaal...... "

He said and joined their heads and muttered....

"Be my strength Udaiyaal.. "

She doesn't know what to say to that... She kept silent... He kissed her forehead and left the chamber without looking back.... She saw his retreating back till he was out of her sight.....

Then only the tears she held up all the while flows down

That little RathnamaDevi don't know that she have to wait 8 long years to get to see him again.........

The darkness again covered her vision.... When she opened her eyes again she was in the same room.... The two person in front her was same but they were the Adult Udaiyar and Udaiyaal......

The King and his Queen........

He was again kept his head over hers... His one hand had his sword the other one cupping her face....... He muttered...

"Be my strength Udaiyaal.. "

Now the Queen didn't leave him unanswered.... She held his hand which was on her cheek and slowly lowered it till her stomach..she kept his palm over her stomach and cupped his face.....

"We will be your strength Udaiyare..... Always"

He chuckled and kissed her forehead...

"I thought I won't get answer this time to Udaiyaal..... "

He kneeled In front of her and kissed her stomach where their child is growing...... He looked up at her...

"This time I am leaving you with huge responsibility Rathnama....... Our people are our first children their safety and happiness is our priority..... I trust you that being their Queen you won't let them down ever....... "

"I won't let you down My King"....

He smiled and stood up and left the chamber....... She looked at his retreating figure till it out of her eye sight...

The Queen doesn't know that was the last time she would get to see him.......,..

Again it's darkness......a lone tear left her eyes.... She couldn't gather herself after what she witnessed.... Again she couldn't get the chance to see his face...... It was blurred......

Soon the maids and Vadivukarasi entered the chamber and too her with them as the priest called her to come...

They covered her face with a white cotton veil........ She was made to sit beside the Emperor...... Her husband..

There was a big bowl filled with oil is placed in front of the couple....

They took the cotton cloth from her head....... The prist asked her to see the reflection if him on the oil first.... She was numb... She stared at the burning flames of homam........

She felt like her body is set into fire... She shivered lightly the person sitting beside her can only feel that..... He held her hand.... She immediately looked at him.....

His concerned face was the last thing she saw before loosing conscious.....

Author's note...

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