Chapter 20

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Author's POV

All the Royal Family members were in her chamber to check upon the Queen and asked her well being...

All the time Rathnama didn't let Udaiyar move... When he tried to stand up and withdraw his hand from hers... She held his hand and plead him through her eyes not to...

Udaiyar doesn't need words to understand his Udaiyaal's thoughts.. Even though he was angry at her for consuming herbs to delay her menarche...

He can't keep that anger when he saw her unconscious.... But that anger and disappointment resurfaced.... He controlled himself not to bring that topic... He won't ask her today for sure but that doesn't mean he forgave her...

It took some time fore the Queen to comeback to the present situation from the euphoria of seeing her udaiyar after ages......

When he tried to get out of her hold only she came back to the present and  recalled the reason behind his capricious behavior....

He was always been mysterious to her.... Queen Udaiyaal Knows the King Udaiyan Sethupathi more than anyone sometimes she can't understand him too.... But she was unaware and clueless about her husband...

She never got a chance to live his love and delighted to be his wife...she never got that chance in past even though they reconciled that was too late and they were at tense situation The king was busy with plotting war tactics and she got pregnant too.... That made her feel like his love is divided between her and the baby....

But the fact is she didn't  get to relish even the half percent of his love for her...

He always keep his emotions in control there is very few people who get to see that... Rathnama comes first in that.... He do have enormous self control the past during the ten years where he was been away from her... He still used to stay with her in the same chamber...

Literally no one knows there is a problem between The king and queen during that time..... He always make sure the Queen gets her respect and  been protective towards her.... As he always keeps their relationship private from the time they were children no one doubted on him not touching even the Queen's hand in public...

Her eyes landed on the young prince Kotravel varman her younger brother who has been there for her all the time in her past life she didn't get to see him living happy life... He was 20 when he left for the war with the king.... He was then the Crown Prince of varmanadu... He was stubborn that he will only marry after coming back from the war... When he came back his both elder and younger sister were no more and they are been the reason of each other's death have huge impact on him... Still he stayed beside the king....

Within a month of his return he to died while saving the King from an poisoned arrow.....

Kotravel didn't get to live his life happily... This time Rathnamadevi don't let the same happen she will rewrite many people's story along with hers.....

Then she looked at her father The king Maaravarman who died living rest of his life in sorrow and pain due to the loss of his kids and the varmanadu too didn't had a heir after him.......King Maaravarman's  lineage ends with him in the past..

All were speaking to her they only received a smile from her side as her eyes were searching for someone important who's fate Rathnama have to change first before anyone's... This time Rathnama vow to herself to protect....

"Kuyili...... Where is she???"

The Queen asked in common..... No one answered.... All looked at the King then the her..

Vadivukarasi came front...

"We all are here Rathnama ...we all are worried for you...why are you asking about a mere attendee she is no one ... "

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