Chapter 17

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Author's POV...

"They have upper hands due to the geographical advantage they had now along with thats it's rainy season in that place it make to move our heavy weapons and possibility of getting stuck in mud and burial pits.... Still we have to station our soldiers there that's why this dam building work is happening using that reason we can send and accumulate our soldiers easily at nearby places this tactics will come in handy when the actual war begins immediately after rainy season ends....thats why it took us another 3 months till everything is prepared from our side we can't go for war against them right.... Already our troops entered the mountain ranges that comes under the enemy region.... We set up a post at higher points... "

He was explaining her she looked at him....sensing her stare...He raised his brows she glared at him...

"What now... Don't glare me it was you who asked me why the war delayed ...I am just explaining it... "

He said with a chuckle...

"Yeah it's my mistake only... Now stop this come out I am hungry... To be specific your Daughter is hungry she makes me eat alot and it's not even 3 months...she is already tiring me and stopped me from going to practice due to morning sickness and keeping me hungry all the time....and see she have sweet tooth like you know right I don't like sweets at all but she was making me eat that alot.....I am sure when she comes out she won't listen to me at all"

She sulked and about to move away... He pulled her towards him carefully and hugged her from behind and kept his chin on her shoulder.... His hands creases her belly lovingly where their 2 months old daughter is growing up..... The King already decided that he will get daughter first....

"Because my daughter will be the exact copy of my Udaiyaal...."

He said and kissed her head and then cheeks making her smile.....

"Okay now let's go my Daughter is hungry... "

They came out of the weapon dungeon to the Queen's Chamber and he was now feeding his wife with love and care.... Even though it was beginning months of pregnancy Rathnama have huge mood swings and felt more tired often have migraine..... There is always bunch of maids will be with her and The King used to spend most time with her to take care of her..... But now it's time for him to leave for battle field tomorrow

Rathnama saw the sad face of the King...

"Arasea....... What happened? "

He smiled and shook his head negatively dismissing her question but she wasn't ready to let it go.... Because tomorrow he have to leave for battle field he can't be like this now.... He was the strength of the soldiers so he have to be cheerful and strong enough to command them and lead them to victory...

"Arasea..... Don't worry about us.... I can take care of myself and our daughter... So please you just concentrate on this war..... Remember neither me nor our Daughter can be your weakness now..... We always will be your strength.... "

She assured him... He cupped her face and kissed her forehead...

"Indeed you both are my strength Rathnama.... You know that day I came behind you and reconciled..... That I felt like if I didn't do that then I won't get another chance to get back my Udaiyaal... I don't know why I felt like that but that's true....... I know I have to be strong and have clear mind in battlefield.... But it feels like I won't get a chance to see you both again"

She placed her palm on his mouth stopping him from saying further...

"Nothing can happen to my Udaiyar.... You will win this war and come back to me and our kids will grow up hearing the stories of their father's Valor in battles and you will narrate them yourself.... So don't speak inauspicious words.... "

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