Just you and me

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Rolling the windows down in your boyfriend's car, sticking your hand outside, moving it to the beat of the music. Himchan glances over at you and smiles, "Enjoying the music?" You stop looking out the window and turn to face him, smiling. "Yes," you giggle, "I am.” "I'm glad we finally get some alone time – just you and me," he smiles, glancing over at you. "I know! With your rehearsals, and my school, we barely see each other anymore," you sigh, smiling over at him. He reaches over and takes your hand gently in his – the one that isn't on the wheel.

"So, where do you want to get food from before the movie?" you ask, adjusting your sitting position.
"How about that chicken restaurant down the street?" Himchan suggests, taking a turn down the next road.
"Sounds good," you agree. The two of you are going to see a feature film at the drive-in theater, but beforehand, you want to stop and get some food for the movie. You two order food from the restaurant as soon as you get there, then wait for your order to be ready.

"Order for Himchan," the waiter calls, holding the bag of food. Himchan stands up, pays for the food, then takes your hand in his, walking back out to the car. "Next stop – the drive in,” he smirks, starting up the car again. You nod, giggling. The drive to the movies is only 10 minutes away from the restaurant you ordered from. When you get there, you buy your entrance tickets, before finding a parking space at the movie you two wanted to see. They were playing a screening of "Titanic" and you both agreed to watch it.

Himchan parks the car, so that the trunk is facing the movie screen. You both get out and walk to the trunk. Himchan gets in first, laying down a blanket, and grabbing the other supplies. Bag of food in hand, he helps you into the back, before you settle on the blanket. He places all of the food out on it, before handing you your water bottle. The movie intro begins to roll.

"It's starting..." he whispers, glancing up at the huge movie screen. "Yay!" you whisper, shifting your position so you can eat and still see the screen. Himchan holds up his water bottle, "Cheers to date night". You giggle, holding up your water, "Cheers to date night." You tap water bottles together before he leans in and kisses your lips gently. You two eat all of the food you bought while watching the first half of the movie. It's really good.

Now, about an hour and a half into the movie, you two had put all the containers and glasses away. Himchan had put pillows behind you two, and you both are laying on the blanket. He has his arm around you, and you have your head placed on his chest. It can't get any better than this. Suddenly a little gust of wind blows through the drive in, causing you to shiver.
"Cold?" Himchan whispers in your ear, rubbing your arm. You nod, "Yeah, a bit." Himchan moves up onto his elbows, reaching over to the side of the truck, grabbing a blanket. He places it over the both of you, before laying back down.

"Better (Y/N)?" he asks, glancing over towards you.
"Much. Thank you" you smile, leaning into his side again. He kisses the top of your head, "No problem.” You two continue to watch "Titanic," never moving your positions at all. You feel not only warm in Himchan's arms, but safe as well. And that's the best feeling ever.



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