You dreamed of your crush

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It was Sunday morning. *U* Just a perfect day to relax! Have fun and to refresh your mind. It's nice to wake up when you actually just dreamed about your Crush. Yes, your crush. Your crush was Himchan, your childhood friend and neighbor.

Your busy stretching when you suddenly looked at the window and saw Himchan outside! Omo! What's he doing in there?! You quickly hid yourself into the curtains.

"Hey! Why are you hiding? i saw you already. By the way, Good morning!" he shouted. Oh geez! You can't control yourself and you blushed immediately because he said Good Morning. Well, your just best friends. Nothing special. Your just a friend to him..

"What are you doing in there?" you shouted too.

"I'm waiting for you to wake up! You said that we're gonna go to church today." Oh? You forgot! -__- You hurriedly went down and you told your mom to let himchan in and wait for you in the living room. You took a bath and get dressed. You'll eat later since your not yet hungry.

You went down and saw him waiting in there patiently. You're really lucky to have a best friend like him. Poor you, just FRIENDS. He doesn't even know that you like him. 

"Let's go?" he asked. You nodded and you both went out.

** At the Church **

You did your church routine. When you curiously asked Himchan.

"What did you asked for?"

"Well, I asked God on when will my friend like me too." You chuckled. But felt jealousy. Who's that lucky friend of himchan's?!


"Yeah. I'm praying for her to like me. Hahaha. funny right?" he laughed. you just smiled at him.

The mass was done. And you stood up and walked and didn't wait for him. You noticed he wasn't following you and there it is.. you got disappointed. how lucky that girl he likes. =_=

You just stopped in a corner. In a garden near the church. You are really depressed.

"You left your phone." it was him. He got my phone. i didn't notice that i left it in the church.

"Thanks." you claimed your phone and remembered something..


OM MY! DID HE SAW THIS!? It has " I love Himchan!" written on it!

"d-did you use my phone?" you asked nervously.


"Did you see something?"



"Why are you over reacting?'



"Go on, answer!"

"Oh.. i just knew..


"Well, I like you too. God really granted my wish.." What?! Omo! i'm blushing!


-DaeGi♥ on daehyun's cheesecake

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