Story between your mother and himchan

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You can't resist diverting your trip to your front door. You quickly turn around and run back to Himchan's arms, engulfing him in one last hug and applying to his face, one last layer of kisses. His face lights up with a smile and his soft chuckle fills your ears before you quickly escape each other’s grasps when the lights from your parents' bedroom turn on.

You race back to your front door and open it slowly and softly, knowing even though your mother and father are awake, that if you woke up your younger brother, this would be the death of you. As soon as you step through the door, you're attacked by your mother and her concerned glare, before being ripped apart by her questioning, which makes you feel as if you were in front of a court being trialed for murder.

Mother: “You weren’t with that boy were you?” You: “His name is Himchan,” you answer bitterly, hating her reasoning for not allowing you to see him. ‘He’ll ruin your innocence, tear your heart apart.' You're not denying the fact it could be true, it may happen, just more annoyed by the fact that her main reasons are hidden behind these lies. “That is besides the point," your mother says sternly, her patience growing thin. “Were you with him or not?” “No..” you lie, “I hate him, I told you that."

Your mother doesn’t say a word, but simply turns and makes her way slowly up the stairs, leaving you to sit on the couch, finding some peace, wishing Himchan was here. You jump as soon as you hear a knock on the window next to the door, right behind you. You turn to see who or what it is, confronted with none other than Himchan's loving face, his glowing eyes and tasseled hair, his metallic smile, and his courage shining through. Moments later, you find yourself quietly opening the front door, allowing Himchan to sneak in. Once again, you can’t resist yourself and attach your lips to Himchan's once more, sharing a moment of hidden passion and love, before you turn your gaze to each other, throwing yourselves into conversation.

“I hope you were lying," Himchan whispers in your ear, holding you close to him as he talks, the sound of his thick voice cascading through you. You: “What do you mean?” Himchan: “Before…when you told your mother you hate me…” You: “Of course I was! I love you Himchan!” Himchan: “Good," he chuckles. You: “Good?” your laughs softly combine. Himchan: “Yeah, because, I love you too.” You look up and find Himchan looking down at you, a simple glimmer in his eyes, a sweet smile on your face, his lips moving closer to yours before they finally meet, loosely, but perfectly fitting together.

"(Y/N), bed” you hear your mother call softly but sternly from the top of the stairs, scaring you more than enough to cause the tears to fall from your eyes instantly. Your head falls into Himchan's chest and he can do nothing but hold you as he shakes slightly due to his own fear of the situation, humming softly in your ear to keep you calm. “Himchan, I’m sorry...” you whimper. Mother: “(Y/N), bed now!” Himchan: “Don’t be sorry, I shouldn’t have come, I’ll see you tomorrow," Himchan whispers gently, empty promises he’ll be forced to break, filling you with some hope. You: “No you won’t..” Your mother interrupts once more, "(Y/N), bed!”

You kiss Himchan one last time through your tears, hoping you will be able to see him again soon. You walk desperately slow to your bedroom, left alone, thinking of all your mother could be saying, crying yourself to sleep. You're awoken from the sleep you are unaware you fell into by a soft buzzing on your bedside table.....your phone is ringing. You have the urge to ignore it, but something in your head makes you pick it up, so that’s what you do.

“(Y/N), I still love you, and no matter what they say. I’m not leaving you, I can wait if I have to, but please, come outside and see me before they do." A smile appears on your face instantly when you hear Himchan's voice, telling you he loves you, and that he always will. “I’ll come straight down,” you don't even whisper or try to sneak out to Himchan, you simply race through the house, slamming through doors, running into Himchan's arms, letting him hold you again. You get somewhat of a shock that your mother hasn’t followed you out, ready to pry you out of Himchan's arms and drag you back inside, kicking and screaming, never to see sunlight again. You look up to your parents' bedroom to see your mother smiling down at you two. "Please"

“What did you say?” you ask, not that you care, since you're caught up in the fact this is allowed. You and Himchan don’t have to hide anymore. “The right thing…the truth," Himchan answers, as he keeps his tight grip around you, kissing the top of your head lovingly.


“I don’t want you seeing (Y/N) anymore, so if you don’t mind, please leave,” your mother sounded from the top of the stairs, down to Himchan. “Umma,” Himchan said sweetly but courageously, grabbing her attention, Himchan: "I’m sorry, but, I can't...." Mother: “And why not?” “Simple…I love her,” Himchan's voice went weak as he finally admitted his love of you to himself. “In my experience, those words are far too easy to say.” “Umma, I’m sorry for whatever you might have experienced in your life to make you turn out like this, but for me, saying ‘I love you’ to someone isn’t taken lightly, so I hope you realize what you're tearing apart!” Himchan blurts out, turning and closing the door behind him, but not before his last words, the ones that sealed his determination. “I’ll see you tomorrow." His words filled the house, followed by the loud sound of the door shutting behind him~ 


*I think it's confusing to read & understand, Sorry :c I hope you still understand it though ^^


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