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The spaceship hummed with the sound of the engines as it traveled through the cosmos, on its way to the planet Vampa. The atmosphere inside the ship was tinged with a persistent sense of awkwardness, a result of the unspoken feelings between Goka and Vegeta.

Bulma and Krillin were huddled around a console, working on their respective tasks. Bulma was busy adjusting some of the ship's settings, while Krillin was engrossed in reading a book on advanced energy control techniques. Their presence provided a semblance of normalcy in the otherwise charged environment.

Meanwhile, Raditz, Vegeta, and Nappa were engaged in a fierce game of cards. The competitive spirit ran high among the Saiyans as they played, each determined to emerge as the victor.

As they continued their games and tasks, Krillin couldn't help but notice that Goka was missing. He looked around the ship but couldn't find her in her usual spots. Concerned, he decided to investigate and set out to locate his friend.

Krillin eventually found Goka in the ship's observation deck, gazing out of the window at the vast expanse of space. Her expression was pensive, and there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Approaching her with a gentle smile, Krillin asked, "Hey, Goka, everything okay?"

Goka turned to him, trying to hide her inner turmoil. "Yeah, Krillin, I'm fine. Just needed some fresh air, you know?"

Krillin nodded, but his concern was evident. "You know, you can talk to us if something's bothering you."

Goka appreciated his concern and decided to confide in him. "It's just... things with Vegeta are a bit complicated right now. We shared a moment on the Tarble's planet, and it's left us both in a strange place."

Krillin patted her on the back. "I understand. It'll work out. How about we take a break from your thoughts? Bulma and I are about to watch a movie in the main room. Want to join us?"

Goka thought for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, that sounds nice. A good distraction is what I need."

Together, they made their way back to the main area of the ship, where Bulma and Krillin had set up a movie for everyone to enjoy.

"Hey, everyone," Krillin called as he entered the room, "how about a movie night? We've got a great one lined up."

The others agreed, and Vegeta grumbled but didn't protest. They all settled on the spacious couch, with Bulma, Raditz, and Goka on one side, and Krillin, Nappa, and Vegeta on the other. The long couch offered plenty of room, and Vegeta and Goka ended up next to each other in the middle.

The movie began, and it wasn't long before the captivating story on the screen drew everyone in. As the minutes ticked by, the room filled with laughter, gasps, and exclamations at the twists and turns of the plot.

About halfway through the movie, Vegeta shifted slightly closer to Goka. It was a subtle move, but it didn't go unnoticed by the others. Goka, feeling the warmth of his presence, mirrored his gesture and moved closer as well.

Vegeta couldn't resist the urge to inch a bit closer to Goka. He subtly slipped his arm around her shoulders, his deep voice a mere whisper as he asked, "Is it okay if I do this?"

Goka turned to him, her eyes meeting his, and she nodded, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Yes, it's more than okay."

The warmth of Vegeta's arm around her brought an unexpected comfort, and they continued to watch the movie, their sides gently touching. By the end of the movie, the tension that had lingered between them had significantly eased. Goka rested her head against Vegeta's shoulder, and he responded by gently placing his head onto hers. The others couldn't help but exchange knowing glances, but they didn't say a word.

As the credits rolled and the screen went dark, they observed the pair. Goka and Vegeta had fallen asleep, their heads leaning against each other in peaceful slumber.

Nappa chuckled softly. "Looks like our fearless prince found himself a new pillow."

Krillin whispered, "They do make a cute couple, don't they?"

Bulma nodded in agreement. "It's about time they figured it out."

Raditz joined in, chuckling softly. "And it only took him, what, decades? Let's give them some space. We can talk to them about it later."

With their friends sleeping soundly, they all agreed to leave Goka and Vegeta undisturbed, allowing them the peaceful rest they so clearly needed. 

Meanwhile, Nappa, Krillin, and Raditz decided to head to the kitchen area to grab some snacks. They were in high spirits after the movie and felt like fooling around. It was a late hour, and they hoped their antics wouldn't wake up their sleeping friends.

In the kitchen area, the three friends engaged in playful banter, their laughter filling the spaceship. They decided to have a mock wrestling match, complete with exaggerated grunts and dramatic takedowns. Their antics, while noisy, were meant in good fun.

As they tumbled around, Bulma, who had stayed quiet during the movie and excused herself to head to bed, couldn't help but smile at their boisterous behavior. She left them to enjoy their time and made her way to her cabin.

Their laughter and playful shouts carried through the ship, and a few thuds and clatters sounded as their wrestling match grew more intense. They were having a great time, or so they thought, until they heard a low, irritated growl coming from the direction of the couch.

The trio of mischief-makers turned around to find Vegeta, who had been woken up by their commotion. He glanced down and noticed Goka still peacefully sleeping in his arms, a small smile gracing his lips.

Vegeta's eyes shot daggers at Nappa, Krillin, and Raditz as if they had personally offended him. He leaned in slightly and hissed through clenched teeth, "If you wake her up right now, I'll make sure you regret it."

Nappa, Krillin, and Raditz immediately froze and exchanged nervous glances. They knew better than to push Vegeta's buttons, especially when it came to Goka.

"Got it, Vegeta," Krillin whispered, raising his hands in surrender.

Nappa, typically jovial and fearless, was now visibly intimidated. "We won't make a peep."

Raditz nodded in agreement, an apologetic look on his face.

Satisfied that he had gotten his point across, Vegeta closed his eyes and gently put his head back against the couch, resting against Goka. He wrapped an arm more securely around her and closed his eyes, drifting back into sleep. Goka stirred slightly but settled back into her peaceful slumber, unaware of the drama that had unfolded around her.

The three mischievous Saiyans in the kitchen area tiptoed out of the room, still anxious about Vegeta's threat. They were well aware that waking up a Saiyan prince was not a decision to be taken lightly, and they certainly didn't want to risk his wrath.

Back in the main room, the spaceship continued its journey to Vampa with only the sounds of the hum of the engines and the soft, contented breathing of Goka and Vegeta, both lost in dreams and the comfort of each other's presence.

a/n- thank you for reading! I appreciate every read, vote, and comment!! Have a great day !! ❤️

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