Chapter 7:

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I pushed Marissa forward. " I will go look for the boys. I want Austin to be the one to watch over you. I will explain everything to him but, you should get to Language Arts class" I ordered. I said my goodbye to her and decided to go find Austin. I bet they are still hinding behind the door. I pushed it forward and saw three boys. " Ok I know you all heard. So, I think Austin should watch over her." I told them. They agreed and I thanked Austin. I was curious since, I looked at them realizing Kyle was gone. I said goodbye and ran to my Language Arts class.

- Marissa's POV-

I dashed towards my locker. I turned the lock and opened the locker. I retrieved my books and turned around. I saw Lauryn and Kyle down the hall kissing. I got mad and slammed my locker shut. I can't believe she's already kissing him! Why do I care? I remembered the memory and got very voulnerable. I needed some fresh air. I need to leave this school. I can't let me or my BFF's get attached to these boys. No! They don't deserve the expierence I went through. I grabbed my backpack and some thimgs i need later and ran. I ran right out the school's back doors. There was only one place I knew to go. I ran about 3 miles before, coming to the park bench. I started crying and I wondered. How do girls fall in love? How do they date and get close to a guy?The real reason I wont date isn't because of gym. I have a deep and dark memory. I never told anyone in my life. That's why I aviod becoming too close with boys. That's why I won't give Austin a chance. My mind keeps saying run as fast as I can away from boys. I put my defenses up because I don't wanna fall in love, If i ever did that, I think I'd have a heartattack. I sensed someone sit next to me. I turned to see Lauryn. 

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